Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração Portugueza, nº 456, 1914.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Trevira, 1974
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Gente, n.50, 22-28 October, 1974. Click image for 945 x 1296 size.
"It's easier to be fashionable with Trevira
New lines in new fashion creations. Ranging from sophisticated styles, delicately young, to the subtle 30s style. Light and fluid knits or heavy and enveloping like a caress. Trevira 2000 - jersey meets all your demands. Trevira is the fashion-fibre, doesn't alter its shape, doesn't get deformed and stays always impeccable without the need for special cares. It's easy to wash and dry... Trevira 2000 - jersey... comfortably fashion.
Trevira 2000
The fibre of Hoechst
It's fashion, it's... Trevira"
Friday, July 30, 2010
Elizabeth Arden, 1974
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Gente, n.50, 22-28 October, 1974. Click image for 948 x 1295 size.
"One of these women has something in common with you.
Each of these women represents many others: You are one of them.
The skin of one of them is normal/oily. The other one's is normal/dry.
All women, generally, fit one of these profiles. So do you.
Therefore Elizabeth Arden created her 'Individual Method for Skin Care' with two variants: 'Normal/Oily' and 'Normal/Dry'.
And the products for each of these two groups' fundamental four points of skin care: cleansing, tonifying, moisturizing and nourishing. The authentic 'Pink Diary of a beautiful woman'. There is also a series of 'Special Treatments' for acne, wrinkles and other skin problems. Whatever your skin type may be.
You may have something more in common with these two women. Follow the 'Method', daily. It's your own 'Pink Diary'.
You will do it for your skin.
Individual Method for Skin Care. Your 'Pink Diary'."
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Handi-Wraps, 1961
Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s. Click image for 760 x 1000 size.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream, 1946
"If you're nobody's sweetheart now... Next time, remember-
Colgate Dental Cream Cleans Your Breath While It Cleans Your Teeth!
Don't take unnecessary chances with your breath! Use Colgate Dental Cream twice a day and before every date. Colgate's active penetrating foam gets into hidden crevices between teeth - helps clean out decaying food particles - stop stagnant saliva odors - remove the cause of much bad breath. And Colgate's soft, safe polishing agent cleans teeth thoroughly yet gently - brings out their natural sparkle and beauty! Yes, Colgate Dental Cream cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth!
Scientific tests prove that in 7 out of 10 cases, Colgate Dental Cream instantly stops bad breath that ogiginates in the mouth!
Use Colgate Dental Cream
Twice a Day - and Before Every Date"
Moisturizer, 1940s
Scanned from Taschen's "Japanese Beauties". Click image for 574 x 800 size.
"You can get shiny strong skin with this skin cream" (Thanks to Paula Wirth for translating!)
Monday, July 26, 2010
Elna Sewing Machines, 1947
Scanned from Portuguese magazine O Século Ilustrado, No. 504, August 30 1947. Click image for 826 x 1326 size.
"Old methods... double the work!
Sewing and repairing by hand clothes and stockings was a tiresome and dull work.
Today, with Elna, it is almost a pastime, done quickly and effortlessly.
The portable electric sewing machine, made in Switzerland and famous in all the world."
Sunday, July 25, 2010
American Radiator, 1936
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s". Click image for 599 x 877 size.
"Welcome... our new home has conditioned comfort
Ahead of its time in efficiency... just in time for your new home
New American Radiators Conditioning Systems
Thousands of people all over the country are building our buying new homes. It's important news, this building boom. And with it comes another piece of important news - the latest comfort development of American Radiator Company - new American Radiator Conditioning Systems. Here by itself is reason enough for buying a new home. For here today, years ahead of its time, is a new kind of home comfort you never dreamed possible."
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Cannon, 1939
Click image for 628 x 880 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s".
"Cheerful company
Cannon towels have a smiling, clear-toned gaiety that makes them nice to have around you in both senses of that phrase. You'll take joy in the new Decorators' Colors: they bring such spirited beauty to bathrooms. You'll take pride in having bought such good, worth-owning, long-lasting, absorbent towels. And you'll find pleasure in Cannon prices: they start as low as 25c and go up to $2. Deck out your bathroom this very day!"
Friday, July 23, 2010
Marjory C. Woodbury, McCallum Silk Hosiery, 1921
Found in the NYPL Digital Gallery. Click image for 527 x 760 size.
"You just know she wears them."
Marjory C. Woodbury, Indian Head Fabrics, 1920
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s". Click image for 573 x 873 size.
"Indian Head
Always on the Selvage
Courting Sunlight
Indian Head welcomes the summer sun. It has nothing to fear. It is white, the color which is sure to be becoming.
Indian Head is the desirable material for frocks for summer wear. It wrinkles very little. It is slow to soil. Its linen finish and clear white color are always fully restored by laundering.
'Indian Head' always is in dotted letters on the selvage. Made 54, 44, 36, 33, and 27 inches wide and sold everywhere. Identify ready-to-wear clothes of Indian Head by the woven label.
We will replace with equal yardage any piece of Indian head which does not give satisfactory wear, keep its smooth finish and clear white color.
One woman's many uses of Indian head is told in 'Her Thrift Fabric.' Free on request."
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Gayal Cough Syrup, 1914
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração Portugueza, nº 456, 1914. Click image for 1003 x 1500 size.
"Gayal Cough Syrup
Supresses the most violent attacks of cough in a few hours
In all pharmacies"
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Dial soap, 1958
"Now! Match your tile with Dial!
Lovely New Colors
Contains a wondrous new Skin Freshener for better than ever protection under make-up!
Complexion Dial's gentle new Skin Freshener - Super AT-/ - does what no ordinary soap, no drying synthetic, no greasy skin cream can possibly do! Sweeps away bacteria that so often spoil your complexion - without drying, without greasing your skin!
Then, Complexion Dial's new Skin Freshener stays on your skin. You can't see it or feel it. But it's there, protecting your complexion all day - even under make.up!
Today, buy Complexion Dial in colors - by the color of its gleaming new wrapper.
Pure luxury... sure protection for the beauty of your complexion!"
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Snoflake Ice Crusher, 1950s
Designed for portability plus powerful performance, the SNOFLAKE cracks ince instantly into frosty chips * in kitch or patio, dining room or den at the flick of a switch. Smartly styles in comtemporary colors, it's a showpiece you'll be proud to display... proud to give.
portable * electric
Ice Crusher
crancks ice into frosty chips * does not grind it!
Oculto perfume, 1974
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Gente, 1974.
"The agressiveness of an exotic perfume...
... in a profoundly masculine vein.
for men... evidently"
Monday, July 19, 2010
Raisley perfume, 1974
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Gente, 1974. Click image for 588 x 800 size.
"For you".
Underwood, 1960
Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s. Click image for 540 x 729 size.
"Another way Underwood masters the art of sharing ideas.
When every impression must be letter-perfect... Page after page, carbon after carbon - the work done on your Underwood Documentor is electrically crisp and clear. Here's a typewriter that not only looks smart, it performs brilliantly, too! The high-style Documentor electric is a modern typewriter, from the most complete line of business machines in the world. These office time-savers are the result of Underwood Visioneering - the ability to foresee your particular problem, and help you solve it!"
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Embryoderme After-Shave, 1947
Scanned from Portuguese magazine O Século Ilustrado, No. 504, August 30 1947. Click image for 822 x 878 size.
"Use Embryoderme after you have shaved
Because Embryoderme calms the facial muscles, avoids cracked or wrinkled skin and gives a man a healthy, energetic look.
Embryoderme is a dermatological specialty of Embryodine of N. Y. C Inc. Labs"
Westmore Cosmetics, 1947
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Século Ilustrado, No. 498, July 19 1947. Click image for 816 x 1179 size.
"Hollywood snaps
The seductive Marjorie Reynolds trusts her makeup to Wally Westmore, the creator of Overglo and the marvelous Westmore products"
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Cannon Towels, 1931
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s". Click image for 678 x 873 size.
"We asked the first six girls we met how they liked our newest idea
Tri-Tone Bath Sets
Well, here's how... and which... and why
P. S. Cannon ensemble sets are more than just ideas, of course. These towels, wash cloths and bath mats are real, and bring a very real thrill to any good housekeeper. They come in seven-piece sets, tied with ribbons and wrapped in sparkling Cellophane - costing from four to seven dollars. Extras may be bought separately. Cannon sets make gay gifts - for birthdays, linen showers, engagement parties and whenever. They have been cheered at first sight by experts, and stocked by smart stores all across the country. Start out now and get yours."
Cook Paint & Varnish Co., 1930
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s". Click image for 665 x 874 size.
"Coroc gave motor car manufacturers a distinctive finish for distinguished modern cars
Coroc is the trade-name of a variety of finishes for specific uses, pledges always to do exacting jobs perfectly... and economically
Cook's products have solved some of the most difficult finishing problems in aviation and in the automobile industry, as well as in many other industries which are exacting in their demands for finishes that stand up longest under the most trying conditions. Such a products is Cook's Coroc maroon finish, which for the first time provides a sturdy, durable, solid-covering maroon finish needing no special ground coats, as formerly required, and fewer finishing coats than previously necessary. Thus a manufacturer can now offer a model in maroon finish at no higher price than for ordinary colors. The Cook's Coroc label appears on a variety of special finishes, each pledging to solve a particular industrial finishing problem well.
A new maroon finish
Difficult as the requirements were, Cook's Coroc maroon finish has solved a difficult automotive problem... just as other Coroc finishes have satisfied a variety of users
Cook's points, enamels, varnishes and lacquers long have proved Best for Wear and Weather, particularly to exacting industrial buyers requiring greatest serviceability, permanence and economy."
Friday, July 16, 2010
Marjory C. Woodbury, Indian Head Fabrics, 1920
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s". Click image for 582 x 872 size.
Jell-O, 1953
"Have you served a Jell-O Salad lately?
You really ought to.
There's no easier way to wow your family."
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Marjory C. Woodbury, McCallum Hosiery, 1922
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s". Click image for 705 x 996 size.
"You just know she wears them."
Simmons Hide-A-Bed sofas, 1955
"See the new luxury-sofa Hide-A-Bed! As lovely as luxury-priced sofas!
Only Simmons makes Hide-A-Bed sofas"
The Reeses, Wolfhead Undergarments, 1919
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"You can feel the very buoyancy and freshness of the Spring in the new Wolfhead nightgowns, petticoats, envelopes and camisoles.
The models are graceful and smart. Only fine, firm fabrics are used, which keep their shape through many launderings. For the trimming - there are unusual laces and embroideries, with ribbons of exquisite hues.
Clever needlework and thorough inspection bring every garment to perfection in fit and finish.
You will find a wide variety of Wolfhead styles at good shops. Write to us for the name of the dealer nearest you.
Look for the Wolfhead label in every garment"
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Verbo Publishers, 1975
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Gente, Nº86, July 1975. Click image for 799 x 1089 size.
These 6 activity albums can be yours free of charge during the Active Book Campaign, promoted by Verbo Publishers!...
Visit the Kids Verbo at the Book Fair
and ask for the Active Library catalogue which will quickly give you all the instructions!..."
William Heath Robinson, On the shores of Scotland, 1915
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração Portugueza, No. 477, April 12 1915, originally from The Sketch. Click image for 1440 x 2180 size.
Anti-German propaganda by William Heath Robinson: a German submarine mistakes a bather's belly for the Ben Nevis mountains in Scotland.
Click image for 653 x 502 size.
Royal, 1969
Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s. Click image for 554 x 733 size.
"It's so beautiful... so dependable... and you save $95.00
In simple truth, the $95 saving on every typewriter is only the third reason why the new Royal Electress is such an extraordinary value among office electrics.
The first reason: This beautiful typewriter produces beautiful results: print work as neat and uniform as a business card.
The second reason: It's a strong, trustworthy typewriter. It's dependability results from new engineering simplification that eliminates 645 parts in type bar linkages alone. Yet, the Royal Electress is a full-sized electric with every feature you want and a few found nowhere else.
All this at $95 less than you'd pay for most comparable electrics. Why not let your office staff meet the Electress in person? Your Royal Representative will be happy to demonstrate its advantages. Just call him. He's in the Yellow Pages.
Every year, more Royal typewriters are bought in America than any other brand."
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tropic Nitey Nite, 1953
"Cool Lullaby
For your Beauty Sleepers
Tropic Nitey Nite
Cloud Cool Fabric
... soft as a breeze - Tropic Nitey Nite air-conditions dreamland for your sleeping starlets. Knit of absorbent combed cotton, no other sleeper assures them such cloud-cool comfort.
Sturdy Tailoring
... in a rainbow of gay, sudfast colors. Smooth, strong seams minimize mending. Smart Styles generously fashioned for cradlers, campers and teeners. Sizes 1-4; 4-10; 10-16.
... this special process insures that Tropic Nitey Nite will not shrink out-of-fit through countless normal washings. No ironing - just wash and there's wear - wear - wear in every thread of cool gay Tropic Nitey Nite."
Monday, July 12, 2010
Honda, 1967
Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s. Click image for 745 x 987 size.
"Take your pick of a Honda. The trail 90 left. Or the Rally, one of the Honda Custom Group. These models feature a special type of tank, pipe, hamdlebars, seat. Ride off in your personalized Honda. Wild.
Honda shapes the world of wheels. You've got to hand it to Honda. New designs. New colors. Altogether 20 models to put a glint in your eye. That famous four-stroke engine takes everything in stride. Won five out of five '66 Grand Prix Championships, 50cc to 500cc. A world's record. With Hinda, performance counts as well as style. And that tells it like it is. Any qyestions? See your local Honda dealer for a safety demonstration ride."
Magnésia Bisurada, 1947
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Século Ilustrado, No. 498, July 19 1947.
"'I never eat between meals...'
'... and yet when I do I eat very little. The simplest of foods causes me pain.' It's a pity she must abstain from eating plenty of nutritious meals, when in fact Magnésia Bisurada would provide relief in cases of gastric discomforts, such as: heart burn, flatulence, feelings of weight, etc. If you are afraid to eat, Lady, or deprive yourself of favorite foods, because you are the victim of digestion woes, do not hesitate to try Magnésia Bisurada, the stomach remedy that's proven to be effective.
Your digestion is assured with Magnésia Bisurada"
Marcello Dudovich, Fiat Balilla, 1934
Scanned from "Art Deco 1910-1939" edited by Charlotte Benton, Tim Benton and Chislaine Wood.
"The new Balilla for everyone.
The elegance of a lady"
Sunday, July 11, 2010
General Motors, 1931
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s". Click image for 700 x 449 size.
"Examine the value
The General Motors Corporation maintains a creative staff known as the Art and Color Section to aid and counsel the division engineers in the style development of general Motors cars. The special province of this staff embraces style, color and appointments, and under its skillful handleg, lines and proportions yield to fashion influences well in advance of the prevailing mode. Through the activities of the Art and Color Section, General Motors is kept abreast of style changes and in co-operation with division engineers conscientious effort is made to secure the most pleasing effects."
Marjory C. Woodbury, Indian Head Fabric, 1920
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s". Click image for 854 x 1300 size.
"Clothes and Summer Fun
The best times of all are tramps through the woods, a wonderful sail, a clam bake on the beach, or a day at the Army Camp. The girl who has to be too careful of her clothes spoils the fun and is not invited a second time.
The one who dresses in sport clothes of Indian Head looks charming all day, yet can enter into everything without fear of looking crumpled or mussed.
Indian Head is the ideal cloth for white clothes for the whole family. Economical in price and easy to work with, it appeals to the purse and the needle of the woman who does her own sewing. Besides, it launders wonderfully.
Use it instead of Linen
All good stores carry Indian Head in one of their white goods departments. Made in 27, 33, 36, 44, and 54 inches widths, name always appears on the selvage. Indian Head is sold the world over.
Ready-to-wear clothes of Indian Head are now shown in the smart shops. Identify them by the Indian Head Label sewn in the garments.
Our interesting booklet 'The Wash-Fabric for Your Whole Family' sent free upon request."
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Riceland Rice, 1950s

Which is Worse: The Use of "Velly" or That Chicken Tettrazini?, originally uploaded by Charm and Poise.
Riceland Rice
Velly Nice!"
Marjory C. Woodbury, Indian Head Fabrics, 1922
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s". Click image for 622 x 879 size.
"Now you can buy it in colors
It is made in
Pink Rose
Helio Cadet
Biscuit Tan
Pearl Linen
Reseda Ciel
Copen Brown
Now for the first time you can buy Indian Head in color, and in colors guaranteed fast. By 'fast colors' we mean colors that will hold bright and true through seasons of sun, sea air, dampness, and washing.
We guarantee;: If any garment made of Indian Head fails to give proper service because of the fading or running of Indian Head colors, we will make good the total cost of the garment.
Fifty-nine cents a yard is the price of guaranteed fast-color Indian Head. 36 inches wide - a value that you will appreciate more fully after months of wear. If your store does not carry Indian Head in fast colors, write us giving your dealer's name. We will see that you are supplied.
'The Girl Who Loved Pink' tells the story of colored Indian Head and has a sample of the material. It also shows the complete color range. It is sent free upon request.
Indian Head Cloth
Always on the Selvage"
Friday, July 9, 2010
Pro-phy-lac-tic Toothbrushes, 1916
From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919". Click image for 666 x 900 size.
"Which Style of Pro-phy-lac-tic Do You Use?
You never knew there were so many Pro-phy-lac-tic styles, did you? There are as many Pro-phy-lac-tic styles as there are tooth brush needs and tastes.
Pro-phy-lac-tic Tooth Brush
'A Clean Tooth Never Decays'
Sizes, for instance. Pro-phy-lac-tic tooth brushes come in adult's, youth's and child's sizes - so marked on one end of the box.
Bristles, next. Every Pro-phy-lac-tic style (except the Dental Plate and unbleached brushes) comes in hard, medium and soft bristles - so marked on the brush and on one end of the box.
Handles - Pro-phy-lac-tic comes in Rigid handles (preferred by many), Flexible handles (a comfort to those who have tender gums) and transparent flexible handles (Pro-phy-lac-tic De Luxe, in three colors, which render identification still easier.)
Specials - Pro-phy-lac-tic provides a special four-row (instead of three-row) brush, for adults preferring a larger brush; a Dental Plate brush; and a brush with unbleached bristles (recommended by many dentists).
Every one of these Pro-phy-lac-tics has, of course, the guaranteed Pro-phy-lac-tic quality, and the valuable thorough-cleansing features originated by Pro-phy-lac-tic.
Florence Manufacturing, Co."
Coca-Cola, 1919
From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919". Click image for 548 x 700 size.
"Drink Coca-Cola
Delicious and refreshing
You can't think of 'delicious' of 'refreshing' without thinking of Coca-Cola.
You can't drink Coca-Cola without being delighted and refreshed.
The taste is the test of Coca-Cola quality - so clearly distinguishes it from imitations that you cannot be deceived.
Demand the genuine by full name - nicknames encourage substitution.
Sold everywhere"
Thursday, July 8, 2010
After Dinner Prints By Osti, 1970
"Above: Look strikingly elegant in this warm, colorful culotte suit. Or lounge in it if you prefer. The Bry-Nylon Romany Romantic look is made for every kind of girl - and every mood of girl. Oriental shades of saffron, gold and tan are echoed in a sophisticated matching turban."
Rosete 7 air freshener, 1975
"We have encapsulated Spring in a flower container to purify your home all year long, in seven different perfumes!"
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Volkswagen, 1966
Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s. Click image for 767 x 1000 size.
"Old Volkswagen Station Wagons never die.
The things some people do with an old box.
But then, he didn't start with any old box.
He started with a Volswagen Station Wagon. Which has about twice the amount of space as an ordinary wagon.
There was room for everything.
A refrigerator, a stove, a table, an instant chili dispenser, and of course, the proverbial kitchen sink.
And a way for it all to get in. The two side doors open into a huge 4' by 4' hole.
Also, its roof may be high compared to other wagons, but its overhead is low. Our Standard VW wagon costs only 2,454.
However, if you're plannin to go into the restaurant business, better not buy one new. (The body's been welded into one solid piece of steel, the tires alone will last for 35,000 miles, and on top of everything else, there are four coats of protective paint.)
It'll take too long to get a new one into bad enough shape."