Tuesday, August 31, 2010
M&F meals, 1980s
"Muscular Gourmet by Mandy Tanny
Gourmet Dining on a Bodybuilder's Budget
Fitness through famine has become an institution so well respected that most serious dieters wouldn't dream of whipping up mousse or pate for fear of losing their rank in the race for 3% bodyfat. The dieter obediently takes the attitude that the less food there is and the simpler it is, the better it is for the diet.
This is true: Raw food in its natural state actually is best. It contains all the live enzymes that are destroyed in cooking, so you need and eat less of it to survive. Yes, this would be ideal, but unfortunately this practice is rarely taught in civilized cultures, and it would (Continues on page 238)
Bodybuilder-actor Richard Brose knows that M&F's low-budget meals skimp only on their cost, not their nutritional value. When he's not concentrating on diet, Richard makes his presence felt as the title character in Universal Studios Tour extravaganza 'Conan the Barbarian.'"
Monet Jewelers, 1973
Click image for 607 x 800 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s".
"My generation's got a charm of its own."
Monday, August 30, 2010
Del Monte Stewed Tomatoes, 1955
"Now look what we've cooked up for you
It's ready to serve! Food editors and homemakers who've tried DEL MONTE Stewed Tomatoes call this the happiest vegetable combination in years.
You get plump, ripe tomato chunks cooked with green peppers, onions and celery, and ready to serve. With such wonderful flavor you'll say that someone's grandmother must have seasoned them!
If they sound good - glory be, just wait till you taste 'em. DEL MONTE Stewed Tomatoes are delicious 'as is'.
And there's no end of exciting ways to use them in short-cuts to superb stews, casseroles, soups and sauces.
This new DEL MONTE vegetable combination is available all over the country NOW. Ask your grocer. He has it already, or can easily get it for you!"
Rose Marie Reid swimsuits, 1950s
Rose Marie Reid
Jewels of the Sea"
Sunday, August 29, 2010
General Motors, 1968
Click image for 751 x 999 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
"test drive a 1969 Stereo
General Motors Delco Car Stereo.
Take it out on a drab day. A rainy day. Right into a sullen traffic jam. Then turn it on.
Suddenly, your world is sunshine! Roses! Bright colors! A world on wheels you never thought possible!
You see. Delco stereo systems are made especially for GM cars. The front-rear speakers are acoustically tailored to each body style to fill your car with a sound that's fantastically rich and real. A sound you can get two ways:
First, with Delco AM/FM Stereo Radio for varied programming.
Or go with the 6-track StereoTape system. Then you can pick a number, any number. And take it with you anywhere.
But you've really got to hear it for yourself. Test drive a Delco Stereo in a new Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick or Cadillac. Ask for one with Delco FM Stereo. Or Delco StereoTape. Or both.
And let the rest of the world dull by.
Delco Radio Division of General Motors."
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
1847 Rogers Bros., 1938
Click image for 665 x 874 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s".
"Rosalind Russel gives spring's best tip to the Bride-To-Be
Rosalind Russel. M-G-M's brightest star in smart-world dramas, has this to say to brides-to-be:
'A wedding means so many things to decide!
'First, choosing him (though he thinks he chose you!)...
'Then selecting your wedding dress (I'd love the dress pictured here for myself!)...
'And then, choosing your silver pattern - the one that will grace your table all your days.
'The one I 'specially want you to see is the pattern I named -
'First Love'.
'It's 1847 Rogers Bros, newest - and it's beautiful!
'And when I think of how you can get 50 pieces and a gorgeous Bridal Chest besides for the price of 40 pieces. If you'll just hurry to your silver dealer's... You will hurry, won't you?"
1847 Rogers Bros., 1938
Click image for 665 x 874 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s".
"Rosalind Russel gives spring's best tip to the Bride-To-Be
Rosalind Russel. M-G-M's brightest star in smart-world dramas, has this to say to brides-to-be:
'A wedding means so many things to decide!
'First, choosing him (though he thinks he chose you!)...
'Then selecting your wedding dress (I'd love the dress pictured here for myself!)...
'And then, choosing your silver pattern - the one that will grace your table all your days.
'The one I 'specially want you to see is the pattern I named -
'First Love'.
'It's 1847 Rogers Bros, newest - and it's beautiful!
'And when I think of how you can get 50 pieces and a gorgeous Bridal Chest besides for the price of 40 pieces. If you'll just hurry to your silver dealer's... You will hurry, won't you?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Kenwood Stereo, 1979
It's quality you hear!
The sound of Kenwood Spectrum comes alive in an unbelievable package of EIGHT totally new, extremely versatile and distinctive systems to choose from.
Meticulously engineered by the same innovative team that has designed award-winning audio components, the new Kenwood Spectrum Series represent outstanding value in sound quality and flexibility.
And with eight specially matched systems to select from, your choice of the ideal hi-fi system to suit budget and decor requirement has been made so much easier.
Plus, there's Hwee Seng's attractive Sound Investment Plan (12, 18 or 24 monthly installments). What else could you ask for?
At last, your search is over."
1847 Rogers Bros., 1938
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s". Click image for 682 x 888 size.
"Looking ahead to a November Wedding"
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Fuller Brushes, 1921
Click image for 653 x 871 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"Genuine Fuller Brushes carry this tag in addition to the trade mark. Look for both!
Labor Saving!
That's the Fuller Wonder Mop. Its long, soft-spun strands get the dust from hard-to-get-at places - under radiators, under beds, from corners. It is soft, fluffy, dust-absorbing. Washed and wrung, it dries out like new, retaining its chemical treatment. Having no oil, it cannot spot or grease. The strands are woven in wire, to stay. But -
This is only one of the forty-five Fuller Brushes, each as well planned and perfect for its purpose, each guaranteed. There are 69 uses for them - demonstrated right in your own home by our carefully trained and supervised representatives.
FREE - 'The Handy Brush Book,' showing 69 short-cuts in housekeeping. Write to-day for your copy to
The Fuller Brush Company"
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Fuller Brushes, 1921
Click image for 673 x 873 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"Genuine Fuller Brushes carry this tag in addition to the trade mark. Look for both!
Look for the Trade Mark on the handle
Bowl Brush
Good Servants
The burden of disagreeable tasks is lightened by such helpers as the Fuller Bowl Brush. It is sturdy, long-handled, curved to clean surfaces that are otherwise hard to reach. The bristles, gripped firmly in rust-proof wire, are stiff, yet will not mar or scratch enamel or porcelain. Wash it, scald it, shake it dry. When hung up it will not drip.
There are forty-five of these Fuller Brushes - each a 'good servant' for its special work. many perform several tasks - 69 uses of Fuller Brushes are demonstrated in your own home by our carefully trained representatives.
FREE - 'The Handy Brush Book,' showing 69 short-cuts in housekeeping. Write to-day for your copy to
The Fuller Brush Company
Hartford, Connecticut
The Fuller Brush Company, Ltd.
Hamilton, Ont., Canada
Branch Offices in over 100 cities - consult telephone directory
Fuller Brushes
69 uses - Head to foot-cellar to attic"
Monday, August 23, 2010
José Lopes Bernardino & Co. Vulcanisation Workshop, 1915
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração Portugueza, No. 473, March 15 1915. Click image for 1025 x 474 size.
"We warn our clients that we have already concluded the assembly of the new machines, and we can now perform all repairs in tires and air chambers, quickly and solidly, taking entire responsibility for repairs done in our workshops. Glue for cold gluing and vulcanization. We send pamphlets with prices and conditions for free."
Styron Plastic Housewares, 1953
"Accent your color theme with Styron
Bring a decorator into the kitchen with matched accessories in new Styron-Tone Colors... Housewares made of this DOW PLASTIC are evaluated for quality, design, serviceability... look for the Styron label..."
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Cannon Towels, 1953
"Your bathroom - Four ways!
'Change-about Looks' with Cannon Towels is Bright New Decorating Idea
79c bath towel
It's not done with mirrors. It's done with Cannon towels! Here's a charming combination of rocket blue and lime - just two of many Cannon colors that can inspire the decorator in you! All Cannon colors sparkle through years of wear and washing!
98c bath towel
Sing a song of Serenade! This charming ensemble in radiant rose gives a bathroom a bright change of pace! You can switch ensembles as often as you please, for every Cannon bath towel comes with matching face towels and wash cloths!
198 bath towel
Different place? Just changed Cannons. Cavalier, in soft mimosa yellow, can add sunny beauty to your bathroom. And these towels feel as lovely as they look. 'Beauti-Fluff,' Cannon's exclusive finish, makes all Cannon towels truly luxurious and absorbent!
295 bath towel
A divine combine - pink and green! The style is Laurel, richly sculptured, luxuriously thick - just one of many brilliant fashions that can transform your bathroom. Thirsty? Yes! In fact, Cannon towels absorb five times their weight in water!
More women buy Cannon towels than all other brands combined!"
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Mimosa Cosmetics, 1915
Graviteste home pregnancy kit, 1974
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Gente, No. 50, 22-28 October, 1974. Click image for 1679 x 2298 size.
"Am I...? Am I not...? - The truth at the ninth day.
Confidentially. In your home. You and Graviteste, alone.
At the ninth day without menstruation, you go to a pharmacy and buy Graviteste (you don't need a prescription).
And in two hours you'll know if you are pregnant or not. Without third parties being brought into the matter. Without having to go here or there. Using a method as safe as laboratorial ones (99% reliable).
Graviteste detects a special hormone that is produced by your urine when you are pregnant.
It's a simple and practical process: Graviteste includes a test tube, a drop-measurer, an ampoule, a small mirror and a support.
Once you have collected your morning's urine into a thoroughly clean recipient, you place three drops in the test tube, you add the content of the ampoule, shake and place the test tube on the support - then you wait two hours for the result.
If at the bottom of the tube (the mirror will help you to see) there appears a red ring, you are pregnant.
If not, the lack of menstruation may be due to other reasons and it would be advisable to seek a doctor.
(Caption of the image) You are pregnant You are not pregnant
And there you have it! All with the utmost privacy. It's all between you and Graviteste. All of it perfectly by yourself."
Friday, August 20, 2010
Sony, 1962
Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s. Click image for 768 x 1000 size.
"Hold the future in your hand with Sony
This is television of the future. This is the personal set predicted for the decade of the seventies. So light and compact you carry it with you like a book, wherever you go. Put it beside your bed, on your desk at the office, outdoors for picnicking on the patio, in the back of the car or on the boat. It plays anywhere on its own rechargeable battery pack, auto battery or AC, with a picture so bright and sharp ordinary sets pale by comparison. Weighing only 8 lbs., it is hardly larger than a telephone, yet it outperforms standard receivers in sensitivity and durability. Available only in limited quantities, SONY brings it to you today through its advanced research in the epitaxial transistor, so powerful and sensitive it is used only in computers and other advanced electronic equipment - and the new Micro-TV. It would be no exaggeration to say that someday all TV will look like SONY Micro-TV. But why wait for someday? See it today at selected dealers. SONY Micro-TV list $229.95. Optional battery pack."
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Naugahyde, 1961
Click image for 785 x 1000 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
"The indistructible Nauga.
Sadder but wiser mothers pray for permanent furniture. The Nauga answers those prayers. With the hide off his back. Naugahyde vinyl fabric. Naugahyde is so tough, it breaks a kid's spirit. So comfortable, it gets overused. So durable, the kids are old before it is.
With Naugahyde you can sail past the Jones's. It can look like the most expensive fabrics. Linen. Tweed. Silk. Leather. Wood. Brocade. Burlap! Bamboo! 500 bewildering varieties and every single one is Naugahyde.
Look for the imaginary Nauga and find beautifully indistructible furniture. His picture is banging on every piece of real Naugahyde. If you can't find the Nauga, find another store.
The Nauga is ugly, but his vinyl hide is beautiful.
Naugahyde is Uniroyal's registered trademark for its vinyl upholstery fabric."
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Bates Fabrics, 1939
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s". Click image for 659 x 883 size.
"Bates Fabrics
Loomed to be heirloomed
The sweet young bride of today chooses Bates spreads for their 1939 style-rightness. She finds that they are just what she has been looking for to top off her beds - to put the chic finishing touch to the decoration of her bedrooms. Her mother a bride of the War period, and her grandmother, a bride of the Gay Nineties, chose Bates spreads too. They too chose them for their smartness - and for their beauty, quality, and durability. And the new Bates Fine Percale Sheets offer the bride of 1939 the cool, almost silky smoothness of truly luxurious percales at prices that will fit smoothly into the most unassuming bridal budget.
The unaffected charm of this cotton spread makes it perfect for almost any type of bedroom. To choose 'Daisy Chain' is to pay gracious tribute to your (?) of economy. Reversible, (?) Colors: Sky Blue, Dusty Rose, Tan, Green, Brown, and Wine."
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Real Silk Hosiery, 1939
Click image for 684 x 876 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s".
"Real Silk Hosiery
For big events or for work-a-day. Realsilk Hosiery...
Gossamer glamor for the transcendent occasion, downright durability for everyday - and in-between... Realsilk Hosiery Shades stay true - they're put into the stockings with the most permanent dyes obtainable.. Realsilk Hosiery resists snags - threads are made with the highest snag-resistant twists... And Realsilk Stockings are easier to buy - our representative calls on you, in your home of your office... You sit and select order and receive - fresh silk stockings... You can make an appointment at your convenience simply by phoning local sales office listed in directory under 'Real Silk Hosiery Mills'."
Monday, August 16, 2010
Fuller Brushes, 1928
Click image for 1323 x 859 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"New Every-Day Dry Mop
... little brother of the big extra-size Fuller Dry Mop...
For the now-and-then, here-and-there dusting up of floors you, too, will want this smaller, lighter, less expensive Every-Day Mop - to supplement the over-size Fuller Dry Mop which you use for regular cleaning days. It's what its name tells you - an Every-Day Mop - another Fuller product to lighten women's work.
Fuller Brushes, 1929
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s". Click image for 918 x 1200 size.
"How to handle the Shopping Problem
Some of your Christmas shopping will be done in the local stores. But a good share of it can take place right in the comfort of your own home - far from the milling holiday throng.
Your Fuller Man will spread before a wide choice of Christmas suggestions. You can make slections calmly and deliberately from a large array of personal and household brushes, a few of which someone has written on the list in the picture.
This service and these articles can be had only from your Fuller Man.
To have your Fuller Man call right away just telephone the Fuller Brush Company Branch Office in your city. Say you would like to look over the Christmas assortment, packaged in attractive holly boxes. Or write The Fuller Brush Company, 3558 Main Street, Hartford, Conn. Ask for new booklet, 'The Cleansin Problems of the Home'. You will find it more than helpful.
Be Our Radio Guest
Your friendly Fuller Man invites you to listen Sunday Evenings. 9:45 to 10:15 (Eastern Standard Time) W J Z network of N. B. C.
Christmas Shopping List
Boudoir Set mother
mens Personal Set Dad
Slippers Frank
Outing Set Jean
Manicure Brushes Lou
Neckties & Cigars JD
Brush & Comb Set Ann
Furniture Set Sister
Vanity Case Nell
Silent Servant Set Myself
Health Brush Set aunt Mary
Ask the Fuller man to call."
Poulain Frères Stamps, 1915
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração Portugueza, No. 467, February 1 1915. Click image for 565 x 171 size.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Ads, 1915
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração Portugueza, No. 470, February 22 1915. Click image for 871 x 1300 size.
Ads for Exibard Abyssinia Powder, for asthma; Goarmon & Co. tiles; Golden Rose Perfumery Shop; Gayal cough syrup; Anibal Marques de Sousa traveling agency; Prado Paper Company; and Remington UMC rifle cartridges.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Toyota Corolla 1200, 1974
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Gente, n.50, 22-28 October, 1974. Click image for 908 x 1271 size.
"Drop by drop, mile after mile, Corolla goes farther, spending less. Tested by dozens of thousands of drivers. In all roads.
Toyota Corolla 1200
It goes farther... and it comes back.
It came to stay and stay it did."
Friday, August 13, 2010
Nestlé's Keen, 1964
It's Keen!
1 jar serves an army of kids for 1/2 the cost of bottled soft drinks without the bother of bottles. At your grocers now!
Nestlé's Keen in 5 yummy flavors
Just add water
Sugar's in it
Vitamin C fortified"
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 60s". Click image for 758 x 1000 size.

Trevira, 1974
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Gente, n.50, 22-28 October, 1974. Click image for 958 x 1294 size.
"Trevira, the updated fashion sense
Texlene, a Riopele fabric, is not just quality... the famous Trevira quality. It's modernity. In its texture, in its patterns and colours. A vigorously attractive fabric in any season and in any place. Studied and created to serve fashion, in its purest international line. Texlene, a Riopele fabric, is Trevira... it does not deform, it's resistant, inalterable and easy to wash and dry. Texlene, a Riopele fabric, is Trevira... the fashion-fiber traditionally young in the art of dressing well.
It's fashion, it's... Trevira.
Trevira - the international fiber of Fabwerke Hoechst A. G."
National Accounting Machines, 1961
Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s. Click image for 810 x 1000 size.
One of the world's leading producers of military and commercial electronic equipment
'National Accounting Machines return 200% annually on our investment!'
- Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, Calif.
'Our National System enables us to automatically prepare media for date processing simultaneously with the posting of our inventory records. The cost improvement factos associated with this system have givem us a truly economical inventory control operation.
'Our four National Class 32 Accounting Machines save us $46,500 a year, returning 200% annually on our investment."
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Cosmetics, detail, 1940s
Scanned from Taschen's "Japanese Beauties". Click image for 519 x 863 size. Thanks to Paula Wirth for translating!
"If you put this cream on before washing dishes, or sleeping, or doing your house chores, you can protect your skin. You can get your youth back."
La Salle cars, 1934
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s". Click image for 609 x 800 size.
"And Dad gave us a new La Salle"
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Married Love, 1938
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s".
"Will their Dream come True, or will Sex Ignorance Mar Their Happiness
Thousands of marriages end in misery and divorce because so many married people are ignorant of the Art of Love. Is your marriage on the brink of ruin? Do you search for the joy of a perfect union? Now YOU can change despair into heavenly happiness - if you know the secrets of the intimate physical contacts of marriage.
Dr. Marie Stopes, in the preface to her world-famous book, says, 'In my own marriage I paid such a terrible price for sex ignorance that I felt that knowledge gained at such a price should be placed at the service of humanity.' This volume, 'Married Love', courageously fulfills this noble purpose.
Married Love
A Solution of Intimate Sex Difficulties by Dr. Marie Stopes
With remarkable frankness, and in simple, understandable language, Dr. Stopes explains the intimate and important details of wedded life. Point by point, and just as plainly as she would tell you in private confidence, Dr. Stopes takes up each of the many troublesome factors in marriage. She makes clear just what is to be done to insure contentment and happiness. She writes directly, forcefully, concretely, explaining step by step every procedure in proper sex relations.
1,000,000 copies sold
Man and women by the thousands eagerly paid the original published price of $5 a copy. The enormous sale made possible a $3 edition - and thousands more availed themselves of the bargain. All told, more than a million copies of 'Married Love' have been sold in Europe and America. And now - for a limited time (this announcement may not appear again) - this same book is yours for only 98c! A new world of happiness may be in store for you! A new dawn of joy and health and energy and - the success that comes with them.
Order at Once
Send in your order at once to be sure to secure a copy of this famous book dealing with the intimate contacts of love in marriage. Take advantage of this special offer made to the readers of Pictorial Review to secure a copy of 'Married Love' at this amazingly low price of only 98c.
Partial Contents
. The practice of restraint to please the wife.
. Surest way to prepare wife for union.
. The marital rights of the husband.
. What the wife must do to bring her husband's physical desires in harmony with her own.
. Regulation of physical marital relations.
. Sleeplessness from unsatisfied desires.
. Nervousness due to unsatisfied desires.
. Charts showing periodicity of natural desire in women.
. The essential factors for the act of union.
. Greatest physical delights in marital union.
. How some women drive their husbands to prostitutes.
. Natural desire for physical union.
. Joys of the honeymoon.
. Ignorance of the bride and unwise actions of the groom.
. The man who has relations with prostitutes before marriage.
. Causes for unhappiness in marriage.
. Frequencie of marital relations.
. Stimulation of physical desires.
. The problem of the strong-sexed husband and the weak-sexed wife.
. Positions.
. Physical relations during pregnancy.
. Problems of childless unions.
'Married Love' contains 192 pages printed on fine antique paper, handsomely bound in cloth. Actual size is 5 1/4 x 7 5/8 inches.
You must read this valuable book to understand why over 1,000,000 copies have been sold in Europe and America! Order your copy today!
American Biological Society
Federal Judge Lifts Ban
on the famous book dealing with the intimate physical contact of love in marriage
In lifting the ban on 'Married Love' Federal Judge John. M. Woolsey said this famous book 'was neither immoral nor obscene, but highly informative... It pleads for a better understanding by husbands of the physical and emotional side of the sex life of their wives... I cannot imagine a normal mind to which this book would seem to be obscene or immoral.'"
Ralph Fisher Skelton, Hoover Vacuum, 1929
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s". Click image for 1000 x 644 size.
"Am I the woman of a year ago?
I wonder if you remember me - you husbands to whom I said last Christmas the things I could not say to my husband!
I was the woman whose husband gave her each Christmas some pretty trinket. The woman whose youth was slipping from her too fast. The woman whose cleaning burdens were too heavy. The woman who wanted, but could not ask for, a Hoover. I'm not the woman of a year ago.
In one short year I have discovered that youth need not go so swiftly - that cleaning duties need not be burdensome.
For last Christmas my husband did give me a Hoover!
'Give her a Hoover and you give her the best'"
Monday, August 9, 2010
Marjory C. Woodbury, McCallum Silk Hosiery, 1922
Found in the NYPL Digital Gallery. Click image for 516 x 760 size.
"You just know she wears them."
Gayal Syrup, 1915
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração Portugueza, No. 470, February 22 1915. Click image for 1065 x 1600 size.
"During these ice cold February evenings, if when you are going back home your voice is horse or you are coughing, take a spoonful of Gayal Syrup and you will have a tranquil night and avoid bronchitis."
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Astrologer Clay Burton Vance, 1915
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração Portugueza, n.474, March 22, 1915.
Crimplene, 1974
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Gente, n.50, 22-28 October, 1974. Click image for 944 x 1290 size.
A revolution in fashion
Crimplene knits can be worn and stay impeccable. They don't deform. They don't wrinkle. They wash and dry quickly.
Insist on seeing the label, that is your defense!
Gowns made by Paulinos
Crimplene is a registered mark of Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, used in polyester fibre."
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Robialac, 1974
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Gente, n.50, 22-28 October, 1974. Click image for 950 x 1294 size.
"We present the new May Fair collection
A collection where you will find wallpaper, completely washable, perfect for your home. From the naively simple, to the luxuriously refined. It's a complete collection, which we call 'Anabela', with colours and designs for all rooms, from the bedroom to the kitchen, from the living room to the bathroom. And with May Fair's traditional quality.
See the new 'Anabela' collection in Robialac's showroom, in the Conde Redondo Street, in Lisbon. Or peruse the catalog at any Robialac representative.
In today's home decor Robialac has its role."
IBM, 1960
Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s. Click image for 533 x 730 size.
"This is the new IBM Electric
It's new - inside and out, with 26 engineering achievements that bring you typing at its finest! Your secretary will love its alive, eager response. You'll admire its styling and high-volume output. For this - is the most handsome, efficient typewriter made."