Click image for 1525 x 999 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Miracle Whip, 1950

Frankly, Scarlet, My Husband Doesn't Give a Damn About Salads!, originally uploaded by Charm and Poise.
"Lost: a husband who would not eat salads
Found: a husband who gobbles them up
What did it? The one and only Miracle Whip
Watch your menfolks go for that one and only flavor!
Unless you've actually lasted Miracle Whip you honestly do not know what you - and your family! - are missing. For the one and only Miracle Whip is basically different from every other salad dressing... different in recipe and different in type.
Miracle Whip combines the qualities of zesty boiled dressing and fine mayonnaise. Made by a secret recipe, it has a tantalizing can't-be-copied flavor you get in it alone. Mixed in Kraft's own special beater, its texture is luciously smooth.
Today - this very day - get a jar of Miracle Whip Salad Dressing. Find out why it out-sells the next 20 leading brands combined!
Millions preffer the one and only Miracle Whip"
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Guerlain, 1938
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s".
"Are you her type?
As a lipstick Mandarine
As a perfume Sous le Vent
All of Guerlain"
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Leyendecker, Listerine Mouth Wash, 1929
Click image for 676 x 970 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"The one true friend she has
You probably can't imagine yourself in this woman's predicament - yet the possibility is far from being remote.
Not so many years ago she burst upon Chicago life like a blazing star. In the rich homes of the Gold Coast, violins played long and lights burned late in her honor. She counted her friends by the hundreds, her suitors by the dozens. Assuredly she would marry brilliantly and live well.
Yet today she is a rather pathetic figure despite her wealth and her charm. Old acquaintances seldom call and she makes few new ones. Of all old friends only her bird remains true. Only he is always glad to see her.
How unfortunate that a minor defect can alter the course of human life.
Halitosis (unpleasant breath) is the damning, unforgivable social fault. It doesn't announce its presence to its victims. Consequently it is the last thing people suspect themselves of having - but it ought to be the first.
For halitosis is a definite daily threat to all. And for very obvious reasons, physicians explain. So slight a matter as a decaying tooth may cause it. Or an abnormal condition of the gums. Or fermenting food particles skipped by the tooth brush. Or minor nose and throat infection. Or excesses of eating, drinking and smoking.
Intelligent people recognize the risk and minimize it by the regular use of full strength Listerine as a mouth wash and gargle.
Listerine quickly checks halitosis because Listerine is an effective antiseptic and germicide that immediately strikes at the cause of odors. It is a powerful deodorant, capable of (?) the scent of onion and fish.
Always keep Listerine handy. It is (?) than snubbed."
Friday, September 24, 2010
Ipana Toothpaste, 1928
Click image for 686 x 900 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"Why Ipana is worth a full motn's trial
If you judge your tooth paste alone, or by clean refreshing taste - send two cents for a sample of Ipana.
On both counts Ipana will surprise and delight you from the start!
But if you want to know the full benefits of this revolutionary product, pass up the sample and go straight to the druggist.
Get a full-size tube. Use it. Use it faithfully for a full month.
Brush your teeth with Ipana - lightly massage your gums with it. For Ipana is the greatest protector of a clean mouth - it takes care of gums as well as cleans your teeth.
This age of soft food and hasty eating has brough with it a host of gum troubles. 'Pink tooth brush' is often a warning of worse difficulties to come. But with Ipana and massage you can defeat them. Because of Ipana's ziratol content you can keep your mouth healthy, your gums firm and sound.
Ask your dentist. He'll confirm the importance of this method of gum protection. And most likely he'll speak of the high regard he has for Ipana in the technique of oral hygiene.
Switch to Ipana for at least a month. Get the large tube from the nearest drug store and start tonight on the test that will bring new firmness and health to your gums - new beauty and brilliance to your teeth!"
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Baker and Rauch & Lang Electrics, 1916
Click image for 1398 x 1792 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
To know that your Rauch & Lang or Baker Electric is recognized everywhere as Society's Chosen Car means comfort of mind.
To have ample seating room in which you find restful repose means comfort of body. This roominess is richly amplified by genuine coach work, the outsome of over sixty years' leadership in the building of Fashion's equipages.
This combined with a wonderful operating simplicity, means comfort in its fullest sense."
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Baker and Rauch & Lang Electrics, 1916
Click image for 1380 x 1792 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
Wonderful driving simplicity of the Baker and Raunch & Lang Electric inspires utmost confidence on the part of the occupants at all times.
The mother finds comfort in knowing that the safety and pleasure of her little ones are enhanced because of this driving simplicity - this independence from mechanical obstrusion and confusion.
And in full keeping with this is the rich coach work - genuine coach work - the best that can come of over sixty years leadership in fashionable coach building.
Confidence all 'round - in the knowledge that your Baker and Raunch & Lang represents the best, and that it insures the utmost in safety."
Bell System Telephones, 1978
Click image for 625 x 800 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s".
"For me, the choice was obvious.
There's a big choice in telephones these days. But the choice doesn't have to be difficult.
To find the right style and the right quality, just come right to Bell.
Because Bell telephones give you all sorts of shapes and colors and styles to choose from.
All Bell quality. And all kinds of customized calling services as well.
So, you can get a phone that's genuinely you, and still get a phone that's genuine Bell.
What could be more obvious?
Bell System
Be Choosey"
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Impossible Years, 1968
Click image for 749 x 1000 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
"The Impossible Years
The Bearded Hippie: 'Sock it to me!'
The Boyfriend: 'Some of my best friends are parents!'
The Daughter: 'Dad, you make such a fuss about my one little messy room. Do you realize at any moment we might all be blasted off the face of the earth?'
The Father: 'So we'll be blasted! But when we are, you're going with a clean room!'
The Sister: 'There's a generation gap!'
The Doctor: 'Parents of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your kids!'
The Teacher: 'I'd love to sock it to you!'
The Mother: 'The only (?) is between your ears!'
Selected by New York's RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL as its Christmas Attraction!"
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Dingo Boots, 1972
"The Dingo Man. He really lives in those boots.
He's No Ordinary Joe."
Friday, September 17, 2010
Kikkoshou soy sauce, 1940s
Click image for 713 x 1000 size. Scanned from Taschen's "Japanese Beauties".
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Pamphlet, 1933
"Red Front
Into the Streets in May First
Towards Soviet America
Recruit Fighters for the Anti-Fascist Front!"
Pro-phy-lac-tic Brushes, 1920
Click image for 642 x 871 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"Well-kept hands
The Pro-phy-lac-tic Hand Brush No. 400 readily disposes of all dirt, grime or stains on the hands and under the nails because its bristles are the finest quality obtainable. Yet the bristles are too good to be harsh - they won't scratch the tenderest skin. And they won't come out, because they are set in aluminum and riveted to a chemically-treated hardwood back. This brush will give you complete service for years to come. Always sold in the Yellow Box - buy yours that way.
Well-kept teeth
The Pro-phy-lac-tic Tooth Brush is the efficient symbol of real tooth-cleanness. It doesn't merely brush the front surfaces of the front teeth. The tufted bristles can reach any place in the mouth where a food particle can lodge. The curved handle fits the curved shape of the jaw, so it gets to every angle and crevice of the back teeth. Carried in child's, youth's, and adult's sizes. Always sold in the Yellow Box. Buy yours that way. Look for name Pro-phy-lac-tic Hand Brush on the handle.
Florence Manufacturing Company, Florence, Mass."
Monday, September 13, 2010
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, 1954
"When It's 'Your Turn' To Entertain...
What'll You Have?
Make sure everything goes smoothly by serving smooth, sociable, satisfying Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer!
Dazzle your friends with this eye-delighting, taste-inviting, glazed Virginia ham, doubly-delicious with good food's best friend - Pabst Blue Ribbon - fines beer served... anywhere.
You do yourself proud (and compliment your friends) when you serve smoother-tasting Pabst Blue Ribbon. Always be sure to keep a case on hand - for expected and unexpected guests!
How to make a Blue Ribbon Ham Glaze
One hour before ham is done, remove rind, score ham and stud with cloves. Spread with glaze made by combining 1/2 cup Pabst Blur Ribbon Beer, 2 cups brown sugar, 2 tablespoons flour, a 1 teaspoon dry mustard. Return to oven and bake one hour longer."
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Lysol Disinfectant, 1921
Click image for 668 x 876 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"Lysol Disinfectant
Kills germs in dark corners
Closets, shelves, corners, and all dark, out-of-the-way nooks in the house are favorite breeding spots for disease germs.
To avoid contagious sickness, clean all such places with water that contains a little Lysol Disinfectant - once a week.
Lysol Disinfectant, having five times the germ-killing strength of carbolic acid, eliminates germ life that you cannot see. Being soapy in substance, it also removes the dust and dirt that you can see.
A 50c bottle makes 5 gallons of germ-killing solution. A 25c bottle makes 2 gallons.
Lysol Disinfectant is also invaluable for personal hygiene.
Send for free samples of these Lysol products
Lysol Shaving Cream in Tubes
Takes the stubborness out of beards almost immediately. In addition, it renders the razor and shaving brush aseptically clean and guards tiny cuts from infection. At druggists' everywhere.
Lysol Toilet Soap 25c a Cake
Does all that a good soap should do, and in addition it protects the health of the skin. Delightfully soothing, healing, and helpful for improving the skin. At druggists' everywhere.
A Postcard Brings Free Samples
The men folks will be glad to try Lysol Shaving Cream. A sample of Lysol Toilet Soap will also be included. Have your family try it. Send your name and address on a postcard."
Friday, September 10, 2010
Franklin, 1919
Click image for 1263 x 1789 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"The Franklin Car
To have defined motoring fineness as motoring efficiency, has been the unique service of the Franklin Car.
This is the simple explanation of the fact that for seventeen years, in economy, comfort, easy handling and long life, the Franklin has given substance and reality to the somewhat shadowy phrase, motoring satisfaction.
20 miles to the gallon of gasoline - instead of 10
10,000 miles to the set of tires - instead of 5,000"
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Mallory Hats, 1907
Click image for 726 x 1000 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"Mallory Cravenette Hats
Sun Proof Rain Proof
Style anf Service
The Mallory Cravenette Hat is like the product of other first class hat makers in that it has unquestioned quality of material, refined shape and exclusive, correct style.
The Mallory Cravenette Hat is different from all other hats whatsoever, because it has been made rain proof and sun proof by the Priestley Cravenetting process which we control for all hat fabrics.
All the approved shapes and styles in Derbies and Soft hats, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00.
For sale everywhere by the better class of dealers. In Greater New York and Philadelphia by John Wanamaker.
Send to Dept. C for our Free Booklet of Hat Styles for 1907
E. A. Mallory & Sons, Inc.
Established 1823
Astor Place and Broadwat, New York
Factory, Danbury, Conn."
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Lady Schick Hair Stylers, 1973
Click image for 537 x 700 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s".
"Schick gives you the most to work with
(including super-fast speed)
Here's a styling dryer that works so fast, they call it The Speed Styler. Besides super speed, Here's what else you get. 1) Three drying speeds for easier styling. 2) Concentrator for hard-to-dry places. 3) Separate brush and handle accessories for blow-drying. 4) Two combs for casual curls. 5) Mist spray for extra control and touch-ups.
See? Schick gives you the most to work with. Including super speed. So get Schick, and get more styling dryer.
The Speed Styler
Lady Schick"
Hallmark, 1961
Click image for 755 x 1000 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation, 1951
In a world faced with constant food shortages in so many countries, more 'green thumbs' are needed!
Here in America, modern agricultural methods have increased farm production 60% in the past generation - even though today there are 20% fewer workers on the farms. This increased yield means plenty of food for every one here - and more besides. And the same methods, applied in other countries, would help answer world food needs.
Better seed, fertilizer, and new scientific methods play their part. Equally important are the various chemicals that now fight off blight, disease, and destructive insects. Starting before planting and continuing until the food is ready for our tables, hundreds of new materials increase and protect our food supply.
Even after harvest, man-made agents speed the ripening process. Others guard our food against rodents and insects.
The people of Union Carbide help make possible the high productivity of America's food producers by supplying chemicals for fungicides and insecticides, gases for ripening and preserving, and the stainless steel so important in the preparation and distribution of food. If you have a materials problem, in this field or other fields, it is quite likely they can help you also.
FREE: Learn more about the interesting things you use every day. Write for the illustrated booklet 'Products and Processes' which tells how science and industry use Union Carbide's Alloys, Chemicals, Carbons, Gases, and Plastics in creating things for you. Write for free booklet B."
Monday, September 6, 2010
Waste Helps the Enemy, 1940s
Ivory Flakes, 1937
Click image for 900 x 1167 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s".
"Free $30,000 Cash and 15,000 pairs of $135 Silk Stockings (Gotham Gold Stripe Adjustables)
$30,000 Cash! 15,000 pairs of Gotham Gold Stripe Adjustables! - offered as prizes in these 6 thrilling contests - so you can discover what marvelous wear you get from fine stockings washed with pure Ivory Flakes.
Gotham 'Adjustables' were chosen as prizes because they look beautiful and fit beautifully. They have an exclusive pattented feature - 7 inches of length adjustment, so they fit you whether you are short, average or tall!
Imagine! 30 chances to win $1000!
... And all those lovely Gotham stockings!
I'm going to enter each week! It's so easy!"
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Lifebuoy Soap, 1930s
Click image for 1396 x 916 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 30s".
"...Then at last she got a job!
All my life I've wanted a job like this! I'm intensely interested in clothes, styles, fabrics. I know I could sell gowns in your shop.
I'm sorry Miss A... But there are difficulties.
Two Weeks Later
I just had to come back and see if there isn't an opening for me now.
No, the situation is just the same as before.
A Month Later
I don't want to make a nuisance of myself. But is there nothing I can do? I'd even be your errand girl-
Miss A... I admire your persistence. I'm going to tell you frankly why I haven't been able to consider you.
'B. O.' - So thats is what's keeping me out of a job!
I'm so glad she told me about Lifebuoy. It's marvelous! No other soap ever made me feel so clean.
No 'B. O.' To Spoil Her Chances Now!
I took your advice. I'm using Lifebuoy and I always will!
That's fine, Miss A. And now I think I can make a place for you.
Don't let 'B. O.' (body odor) snatch your job away!
The job you're trying to get - the job you have now - may be lost if even a hint of 'B. O.' (body odor) makes your company unwelcome. Be sure of not offending - bathe regularly with Lifebuoy. Its fresh, clean, quickly-vanishing scent tells you Lifebuoy is different from ordinary toilet soaps - gives extra protection. Its rich, hygienic lather purifies and deodorizes pores - removes every trace of 'B. O.'
Complexions improve
Lifebuoy's bland, creamy lather deep-cleanses pores . gently frees them of clogged impurities - leaves the skin exquisitely clean, fresh, glowing with health."
Old Dutch Cleanser, 1921
Click image for 670 x 870 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"Shining and Spotless
Use Old Dutch for the daily clean-up in the bathroom, it makes porcelain, marble, tile and metal fixtures look like new. Contains no caustics or acids; does not injure the finest surfaces; cannot roughen or reddem the hands."
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Coca-Cola, 1962
Arrow Collars, 1916
Click image for 653 x 874 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"Arrow Collars
form fit
Curve cut to fit over the bones and muscles of the shoulder. Means greater comfort and at the same time improves the sit of the collar.
It is an exclusive Arrow feature"
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Several Ads, 1910s-1920s
Scanned from Bronwen Meredith's "Vogue Body and Beauty Book" 1977. Click image for 679 x 994 size.
Royal Vinolia Vanishing Cream.
Beauty on Duty has a Duty to beauty. 1918.
Bottom, above left:
Savon du Docteur Dentifrice Pierre
Dr. Pierre's (of the Paris Faculty of Medicine) Dentifrices
The Dentifrice of her Dreams. 1919.
Bottom, bellow left:
Brilliant Eyes Liquid Kohol Egyptian. An Oriental preparation for darkening the eyebrows and eyelashes, promotes the growth. Will not rub off.
Price 2/6 and 5/6 the case. Prepared by Unwin & Albert 6 Belgrave Mansions, London S.W.1916
Bottom right:
Toilette Monpelas Chimiste Parfumeur
Crême Malaceine
Paris Monpelas
Parfumeur Chimiste
For motorcar excursions, a woman's complexion finds, in a previous application of Malacéine Toilet Cream, the most effective defense against the excessive irritation caused by rush of air and high speed. You protect your eyes. Protect your complexion. 1920.