Click image for 1399 x 680 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
"Flameless Electric Clothes Drying adds so much to the joy of electric living. All of your clothes come out sunshine fresh. And a modern electric dryer can be put anywhere because no special flue installation is required.
You live better electrically."
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Edison Electric, 1965
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Robinson's, 1969
Click image for 764 x 1000 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
"Bold Poppies dot Fieldcrest's one-look bed 'n' bath fashions
Go with wild flowers... gay poppies with bright abandon on a whole group of fine Fieldcrest bed-and-bath matchmates. 'Poppy Dot' print in sunny yellow/orange or exotic blue/purple combinations."
Friday, October 29, 2010
Crème Cold de Lait cosmetics, 1940s
Click image for 555 x 800 size. Scanned from Taschen's "Japanese Beauties".
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Nufashond Garters, 1925
Click image for 1329 x 1811 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"Fancy garters were never so popular, and Nufashond Garters are the last word.
Nufashond, leading manufacturer of garter elastic, has produced a wonderful assortment of beautiful finished garters in glorious colors. Ask to see them at your store. Though bewitchingly pretty, they're modestly priced.
But the beauty of Nufashond Garters is only one of their virtues. Bear in mind that they are made of the famous Nufashond Elastic, which means more stretch and snap and longer wear.
Or you can buy Nufashond Garter Elastic by the piece and make garters for yourself or your friends.
Look for this sign on the dealer's door or window. If he handles the best in little things you can depend upon the quality of all his merchandise.
For 30c we will send you a pair of beautiful Roll Top Garters, made up with attractive ornaments attached, or, for 25c sufficient material for making a pair of garters. Specify color desired."
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Le Jade Perfume, 1924
Click image for 683 x 881 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"Extrait Poudré Eau de Toilette Savon
Le Jade
The Precious Perfume
- fulfilling in a single year in America, the promise of its dominating Parisian Success
Roger & Gallett
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Holeproof Hosiery, 1911
Click image for 689 x 1000 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"- for dress wear
'Holeproof' for men and for women are soft - light weight - stylish - attractive - and perfection in fit.
They are made in twelve colors, ten weights and five grades for men - two colors, two weights and three grades for women.
The best of these grades will grace any ball room. They are sheer, silky and soft as any cotton hose ever made, yet six pairs are guaranteed six months.
Holeproof in Silk for Men and Women - Guaranteed"
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Zenith Portable Radio Model 1600, 1950s
Zenith Portable Radio Model 1600"
Faultless 'Wearever' Rubber Goods, 1917
Click image for 1225 x 1774 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"You buy Rubber Goods for Service and Comfort. Our intention is to provide articles which can be depended upon in an emergency - articles which will not come apart, or leak, or fail you in any way at the time when you need them.
Therefore, you will be the gainer if you insist that every piece of Rubber Goods you purchase for home use bears either the name 'WEAREVER' or 'FAULTLESS.' These trade names identify the fines line of Rubber Goods for the home being made today. This line includes Hot Water Bottles and Face Bottles, Fountain and Combination Syringes, Bulb and Douche Syringes, Bathing Caps and Household Gloves, Sponges and Sponge Bags, Sponge Brushes and Complexion Brushes, Rubber Toys, Balls and Balloons, Nipples and Nurses, Comforters and Breats Pumps, Infant and Ear and Ulcer Syringes, Ice Bags, Invalid Cushions and a complete assortment of Sick Room and Surgical Rubber Goods.
'FAULTLESS' - 'WEAREVER' Rubber Goods will give thoroughly satisfactory, long-lasting service in your home. Each article has been carefully developed and improved so as best to serve the particular purpose for which it is intended. Many of them have exclusive patented improvements. On this page we only have room to illustrate but a small part of our line. Other items are mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
Go to your dealer and ask him to show you 'FAULTLESS' - 'WEAREVER' Rubber Goods. If he does not have them in stock, he can easily secure for you anything you desire. If he will not do so, write us and we will direct you to our dealer nearest to you who has these goods in stock.
Write for this booklet (free)
Upon receipt of your request we will be glad to send, without charge, an interesting illustrated booklet regarding rubber goods and their proper use and care. It also describes the Rubber Goods we make for Household, Toilet, Nursery and Sick Room use.
The Faultless Rubber Company
Makers of a Complete Line of High Grade Rubber Goods for the Household, Toilet, Nursery and Sick Room
'Seetie' Given to Your Baby
The cutest rubber doll you ever saw! 3 1/4 in. tall; perfectly formed; strong red rubber with sanitary finish; the safest doll for your baby. Given when you buy a FAULTLESS 'Natural Nurser' before Dec. 15, 1917. This Nurser has non-collapsing and non-leaking, broad, soft, breat-like nipple, of finest quality, fresh, clean 'live' rubber. It is strong, tough and wear-resisting but very resilient. The nipple stands repeated sterilizing and gives long service. The Patented Valve assures nature-like nursing and an even, steady flow of food. The nipple fits tightly on the wide-mouth, no-neck, sanitary bottle; never leaks; is easily put on and the baby cannot pull it off. The FAULTLESS 'Natural Nurser' is the most economical nurser you can use. It costs 30c cpmplete. 'Sweetie' costs you nothing extra up to Dec. 15, 1917. She is our gift. Buy the outht of our dealer. If he cannot supply you, send this coupon direct to us."
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Guernsey Moore, Edison Phonographs, 1908
Click image for 659 x 850 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"The Edison Phonograph
Is equally delightful in entertaining a crowd of friends or in helping you pass a few hours by yourself. It renders a plaintive ballad or a lively waltz, a comic song or a rousing march, an instrumental solo or a funny story with a clearness and fidelity that is remarkable and almost beyond belief. Put it to the test. Go to the nearest Edison store and hear the new Edison model with the big horn. Let the dealer play for you some of the new Records for March, which include seven records by Harry Lauder. Out February 25th.
Ask your dealer or write to us for the new catalogue of Edison Phonographs; The Phongram, describing each Record in detail; the supplemental Catalogue, listing the new March Records, and the Complete Catalogue, listing all Edison Records now in existence.
Records in all foreign languages."
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Veg-All, 1950
"Quick and Easy!
America's Supreme Quality
Mixed Garden vegetables
Simple! Good!
Sausage with Veg-All Mixed Garden Vegetables
Veg-All... A nutritious combination of green and yeallow vegetables for soups salads
More women buy Veg-All than any other brand of mixed vegetables"
Hot Cycles, 1979
Click image for 678 x 882 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s".
"From Empire.
The #1 maker of ride-ons, dependable, sturdy and beautiful
Hot Cycle For all children"
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Mattel Hug 'N Talk Dolls, 1978
Click image for 553 x 700 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s".
Electric Living, 1966
Click image for 762 x 1000 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Crème de Lait, 1940s
Click image for 575 x 800 size. Scanned from Taschen's "Japanese Beauties".
"Now is the season for our cream" (Thanks to Paula Wirth for translating!)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Norman Price, Ivory Soap Flakes, 1920
Click image for 585 x 882 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"To keep your fine underthings as pretty as new -
wash them, the easy, quick, gentle, safe way, with Ivory Soap Flakes.
The filmiest chiffons and georgettes come unharmed from the bubbling suds. Easy laundering, quick laundering - but above all safe laundering - is assured by Ivory Soap Flakes. Its use means a longer life of loveliness for your nicest things.
Ivory Soap Flakes
Safe for Silks and All Fine Fabrics
There is no mystery about Ivory Soap Flakes. It is just good old-fashioned Ivory Soap shaved into snowlike flakes.
Being Ivory Soap, you know that it will not affect the color or texture of any fabric that is not injured by pure, clean, soft water.
Being in the form of quick-melting flakes, it makes instantly such rich suds that no rubbing is needed. Just squeeze the bubbling, soapy foam through and through your dainty garments and they will come from the bowl as clean and fresh and unworn as the day you bought them.
Send for Free Sample Package"
Friday, October 15, 2010
Dr. Lyon's Dentifrice, 1918
Click image for 1209 x 1818 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"Wherever you find refined people, you will find DR. LYON'S. It has been identified for over fifty years with those who exercise more than ordinary care in clothes, surroundings and personal appearance.
Fashionable people know the advantages of fine teeth and select their dentifrice to that end.
Dr. Lyon's
The Dentifrice that made fine teeth Fashionable
Powder Cream
This is the dentifrice of fashionable people. Dentists have used it widely in their practice, praised and recommended it to their patients. It is the most used, the most trusted and the most delightful, - as well as the safest and surest - because it does all that a good dentifrice should do or should pretend to do - Cleans the teeth.
One should not trust a drugged dentifrice to overcome unusual or abnoraml tooth trouble.
To Cure - get a good tentist; to Clean - get Dr. Lyon's.
Sample of either Powder or Cream sent on receipt of 6c."
Thursday, October 14, 2010
CraniTonic Hair-Food, 1903
Click image for 1183 x 1777 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
The Food that Does The Hair Good
Makes Hair Grow
Stops Hair Falling Out
Prevents and Cures Dandruff
The Neglect of Your Hair May Be Its Ruin
If you have neglected your hair and scalp or have serious hair or scalp trouble, and are alarmed or worried because you have used or done the wrong thing and do not know what to do, read the following offer and start now, to stop your trouble
350,000 Triple Size Bottles To Be Distributed
Collier's Weekly has over 350,000 paid subscribers, all of whom would find pleasure and benefit in the use of CraniTonic Hair Food, of they but knew how delightfully refreshing its use is to all who suffer from dandruff, itching scalp, falling hair. We have therefore empowered the Chief Chemist attached to our Laboratories to send to every reader of Collier's Weekly, as an Introductory Offer, a Large Two Pound Physician's Size, $3.00 bottle of CraniTonic Hair Food with two cakes of CraniTonic Shampoo Soap (regular price 50cts a cake) and one tube of cream (regular price $1.00) making $5.00 worth of the Greatest Hair and Scalp Food in the World, all for $1.00. Post Office and Express Money Orders, Checks and Drafts are Safer than Currency or Stampa. Any of the above can be sent.
CraniTonic Hair and Scalp Food is Absolutely Pure and Non-Alcoholic
CraniTonic Hair and Scalp Food destroys the microbe that causes dandruff and falling hair, and nourishes the hair-root back to health.
CraniTonic Hair and Scalp Food makes hair grow - prevents hair splitting - renders coarse hair soft and silky.
CraniTonic Hair and Scalp Food cleanses the scalp of all irritation and keeps it healthful. The life of the hair is in the scalp.
CraniTonic Hair and Scalp Food restores gray hair to its natural color, not by dyeing, but by gently stimulating the pigment cells that give color to the hair.
CraniTonic Hair and Scalp Food is absolutely pure, harmless, contains no grease, no vulgar perfume, sediment, dye matter or dangerous drugs. It is pure, clean, clear as crystal, delightful to use and certain in its results.
'Twp years ago my hair was so badly burned that I was obliged to stay indoors. My doctor prescribed CraniTonic. The result was magical: the burned hair all came out and a healthy new growth took its place. My photo shows its present condition.'
(Miss) Lillian M. Totten
No. 72 West 105th St., New York City. March 10, 1903.
'The diagnosis made by the Chief Physician of your Medical Department was so accurate, his attention so courteous and the results of the CraniTonic Treatment t so beneficial that I feel it my duty to write to you and send photograph.'
(Miss) L. Mae Cranston.
No. 248 West 24th St., New York City. January 15, 1903.
'My success with CraniTonic has been so great that I feel I could convince the public of the great benefits that can be obtained from its use that all persons with poor hair at once adopt CraniTonic.'
M. Camille Muller.
No. 862 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. May 21, 1903
'My hair was dry and brittle and falling out in an alarming manner. A friend suggested CraniTonic. Its use restored my hair to health. It is soft, strong and easy to arrange. I have recommended CraniTonic to many friends, all of whom praise it.'
(Miss) Jennie Cuthel.
No. 728 East 139th St., New York City. March 31, 1903
For Sale by Dealers in - Three Sizes - for One, Two and Five Dollars the Bottle. Sent to Any Point on Order. Express Prepaid
Hair Education
All readers of Collier's Weekly who are troubled about their hair and who would like a microscopic examination of their hair, and will call or send a few hair pulled from the head, or a sample from the daily combings, will receive from our Medical Department, by mail, Absolutely Free, a full report and diagnosis.
Hair-Food Free
To enable the public to observe its Purity, Learn of its Possibilities and what it has done for others, a trial bottle of CraniTonic Hair-Food and a book entitled Hair Education will be sent, by mail, pre-paid, to all who send name and complete address, and Ten Cents in stamps or silver to pay postage."
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Syracuse China, 1919

Click image for 627 x 871 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"The beauty and charm of the right china
The beauty and charm of your dining room can be completely marred by the 'wrong' china! It goes without saying that the china must harmonize.
The simple good taste that banished the plush album and wax flowers from the living room has influenced the dining room even more. The brittle, transient, egg-shell china has given place to the permanent 'smartness' and luxurious grace of Syracuse China.
Syracuse China is too carefully made to nick or crack easily. It stands the wear and tear of constant handling and you never grow tired of it.
Start with as little as you like. You can always match this made-in-America china!
Syracuse China offers a wealth of lovely designs from which to choose, and all are sensibly priced. The china illustrated is our 'Roslyn' patter, one of the many you will love.
Onondaga Pottery Company, Syracuse, N. Y."
After Six Accessories, 1972
Click image for 800 x 524 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s".
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Wolfschmidt Vodka, 1971
Click image for 842 x 1000 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s".
"'Know why Wolfschmidt Vodka's making such a splash?
Because it's the only voska that's won 33 medals!'
'When I hear that, I feel like yelling Bloody Mary!'
Wolfschmidt, The genuine vodka with all the medals."
Kelvinator, 1965
Click image for 1532 x 1000 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Goodfoam Chairs, 1961
Click image for 762 x 997 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Travel to Okuniko, 1940s?
Click image for 724 x 1000 size.
This is a poster for travel to Okuniko, Japan. "Why don't you go to Okiniko"? For a train company that goes to Okiniko from Kusatsu. (Thanks to Paula Wirth for translating!)
Scanned from Taschen's "Japanese Beauties".
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Ivory Soap, 1929
Click image for 661 x 874 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"Splash in!
Old man Sun! When he's got you neatly to the melting point, you can still laugh - and splash back at him!
Where? In your tub, of course, that's filled to the brim with coolness as fresh as a clear mountain pool.
Blissfully submerged... that will be you. Blithely afloat - that's sure to be Ivory! And when wilted spirits are completely revived, the friend of millions of American bathers will demonstrate anew its genius for quick-rising foam!
Splash! There goes the last Ivory bubble away...
Cleared of perspiration, the skin seems to breathe gratefully. And even if the shoulders and arms are blushing with sunburn, they have nothing to fear from Ivory's refreshing foam. Isn't Ivory safe even for a baby's peach-blossom skin?
Old man Sun, here's a person who's serene and happy at the climax of your hot summer day!
... kind to everything it touches . 99 11/100 4/4 Pure . 'It floats'"
Listerine Mouth Wash, 1925
Click image for 656 x 876 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"Listerine, the safe antiseptic, is never sold in bulk
Remember this fact: You can avoid fradulent imitations by insisting upon obtaining Listerine in the original package - 14 ounce, 7 ounce, 3 ounce and 1 1/4 ounce."
Monday, October 4, 2010
Bon Ami Cleanser, 1918
Click image for 579 x 874 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"Bon Ami
Keeps nickel bright abd smiling -
'I had always thought of Bon Ami as being only for windows until a friend told me to try it on the nickel fixtures in my bathroom.
'My! What a surprise I had! They came out so clean and bright and smiling! I started in right away to clean the nickel on my gas-range, and the kitchen-sink faucets, and all the brass and nickel around the house. It took only a jiffy - and how everything did shine!'
Bon Ami is made of a soft mineral and will never scratch. And it is the only cleaner which has a real polishing quality.
Made in both cake and powder form"
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Baker and Rauch & Lang Electrics, 1915
Click image for 723 x 1000 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
- and your Rauch & Lang or Baker Electric is a car of Pleasure. You find pleasure in the utility by which so easily reach the out-o'-way' places or make a social call.
Pleasure in the ease of control - in the roomy interior, in the genuine coach work, and in the knowledge that your car is a Rauch & Lang or Baker Electric.
The Baker R & L Company
Cleveland, Ohio"
U.S. Army National Guard, 1976
Click image for 600 x 800 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s".
"The most important part-time job in America.
The New Minutemen of the Army Guard share a unique American heritage with William H. Carney.
A Sergeant in the 54th Massachusetts Colored Infantry Regiment during the Civil War, Carney received the Medal of Honor for heroic devotion to duty during fierce fighting at Fort Wagner, S. C. on July 18, 1863.
Outstanding black Americans still protect our country and our communities in today's Army Guard, of course. One weekend a month thousands of these modern day citizen-soldiers come together all across the nation to train and sharpen their skills. And you can join them.
More than 400 career specialties are open to you. You'll earn good pay for learning one of them, too. About $45 for just one weekend a month to start.
And with every promotion there's a pay raise. Another thing, we're close to home.
Be one of The New Minutemen. Contact your local Army Guard! Recruiter, complete and mail the attached coupon, or call toll free 800-638-7600 (except in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands). In Maryland call 301-728-3388.
Army National Guard
The Guard belongs."
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Bell System Telephones, 1979
Click image for 678 x 882 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s".
"'Right, Emma. We always did see things from the same angle.'
Reach out. Reach out and touch someone.
Feeling fit, and all's right with the world? The how about spreading that sunshine to a faraway friend? You can bet your leotards a simple phone call will really brighten her day. So get in touch. That phone call can keep a faraway friend close. Reach out and touch someone who's waiting to share your day."
Friday, October 1, 2010
Lightolier, 1965
Click image for 774 x 996 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
"You can cram for exams
read in bed
spotlight a painting
make it a night-light
play the piano
type your homework
rock the baby
do your nails
pay your bills
highlight your objets d'art
reread your love letters
sort your sea shells
and do it beautifully, too... with
The new high-intensity lamp
Lytegem's clean, pure design goes beautifully with any decorating style. Pivots at the base, swivels at the head. Telescopes to any position, in any direction - puts the right amount of light right where you want it! (Even wall-mounted.) In a wide range of decorator colors, with pure white, efficient lighting equal to conventional lamps with 100-watt bulbs, plus an exclusive built-in anti-glare band. (See Baton, the only two-light, single-shade, high-intensity lamp. Perfect for home and office!) $17.95 including extra bulb, at fine stores everywhere.
Shown here actual size."