Thursday, July 30, 2009
Telefunken Radios, 1930
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração, No. 109, July 1 1930. Click image for 972 x 1506 size.
"The right Telefunken for each purpose
Wonderful sound and reception of distant waves
This is the superiority of Telefunken radio sets."
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Valspar Lacquer ad, 1922
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s". Click image for 674 x 873 size.
"Wake up your home with color!
Vigorous reds, sunshiny yellows, subtle lilacs, cool greens -- all the lovely Valspar Lacquer colors want to come into your home! When their beauty is brushed on tables, chairs, book-shelves or toys -- a new smartness will pervade the house."
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Leite de Colónia, 1954
Scanned from Brazillian magazine Fon Fon, No. 2446, 20 February 1954. Image kindly donated by Ciana Bodini. Click image for 1104 x 1584 size.
"A new life for your skin!
Start using now the toning 'Beauty Massage' with the medicinal properties of Milk of Cologne
1 - Every day, before going to bed, wash your face with plenty of water. Don't dry.
2- Next, shake the bottle, pour some Milk of Cologne on a bit of cotton and apply it to your wet face, using circular motions, up and down.
Now you no longer have to disguise your skin's imperfections or flacidness with excessive makeup. Yes.. it will be easy to maintain your skin's natural softness... Your skin's natural charm! Start, today, to revitalize it with 'beauty massage', with the medicinal properties of Milk of Cologne, thus removing spots, pimples, and so many other skin eruptions. The 'beauty massage with Milk of Cologne will make your skin alive again, with a new and seductive natural charm!
Milk of Cologne is prepared by doctor Arthur Studart."
Monday, July 27, 2009
Grand Marnier Liqueur, 1986
Scanned from Taschen's "American Ads of the 80s". Click image for 800 x 1118 size.
"Having a grand time..."
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Armstrong Floors ad, 1973
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s". Click image for 598 x 800 size.
Click image for 606 x 800 size.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
William Heath Robinson, A job well done, 1915
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Rose Milk, 1953
Scanned from Brazilian magazine Fon Fon, No. 2437, 26 December 1953. Image kindly donated by Ciana Bodini of A Colecionista blog. Click image 1446 x 2146 size.
"Rose Milk
The formula that gives 'It'
Today one can find a bottle of Rose Milk everywhere where beauty, elegance and good taste are appreciated. It's exquisite presence in the modern Eve's room has been consecrated in several countries as 'the most effective and advised beautifier of women'. Its very name reminds you of beauty, of its suggestive perfume and of the charm of roses. This notable preparation is today«s most gratifying homage one can make to the delicate feminine soul.
Please read carefully the accompanying instructions, to learn of the secrets of its use."
Campbell's Soup ad, 1969
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 60s". Click image 551 x 800 size.
"The Can Bag
Only from Campbell! This great tote bag for just $1.95 ($5.00 value) and 4 different Campbell's Soup labels.
Campbell has a new bag! It's a bright, heavy-duty vinyl tote bag that holds everything you need for fun. Swimsuit, lunch, transistor, whatever. This sturdy, roomy (over 14 in. high) satchel can take it all! Remember you can get the Can Bag only from Campbell!"
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Kodak, 1930
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração, No. 109, July 1 1930. Click image 951 x 1299 size.
"You can only be modern if you use a Kodak
Your vacations!
Holidays!... The season of complete freedom, outdoors, luminous days full of joie de vivre. Unexpected events, pleasant incidents, all these require a Kodak. With Kodak you are supreme among your friends, you'll be indispensable at every walk and party..."
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Larry Stults, Hupmobile Straight-Eight ad, 1926
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s". Click image 675 x 900 size.
"In the fine car field, the trend is undoubtedly toward eights
The inevitable vogue of the eights is here, and in the forefront, the beautiful Hupmobile Straight-Eight. ineffably smooth and silent in performance."
Monday, July 20, 2009
Jap Rose Soap, 1918
From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919". Click image 1216 x 1832 size.
"That Feeling of Delightful Cleanliness
The unquestioned purity, the transparency, the distinctive Rose perfume, fragrant yet elusive, impart a delightful charm to
Kirk's Jap Rose Soap
Its instant lather, so smooth, creamy and 'bubbly' leaves a satisfying feeling of perfect cleanliness and the best test of a toilet soap is how your skin 'feels' after you have used it.
All the resources of the great Kirk Laboratories, the purest oils and the most expensive perfumes have been called upon to make Jap Rose the premier toilet soap of America.
As a 'shampoo' it is a constant delight.
Trial Offer
Send 20c for an attractive Week-end Package containing four Jap Rose Miniatures, consisting of one each of Soap, Talcum Powder, Cold Cream and Toilet Water.
So refreshing -- Jap Rose Talcum POwder"
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Grand Marnier Liqueur, 1985
Scanned from Taschen's "American Ads of the 80s". Click image 687 x 891 size.
"Grand enchantment".
Friday, July 17, 2009
Buxton Jewelry Boxes ad, 1970
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s". Click image 617 x 800 size.
"All of a sudden jewelry isn't just a ring or two, a bracelet, and maybe a pair of earrings. It's a ring or nine or ten, bracelets up to here, and earrings, earrings, earrings. Enter Buxton. With more than thirty different kinds of jewelry boxes. In almost every color you can think of. From $3.50.
All of a sudden jewelry boxes don't seem so stupid."
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Honda ad, 1967
Click image 1000 x 670 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 60s".
"Honda shapes the world of wheels
Honda has more fresh ideas than boys around a bikini. High-jacket pipes, rally tanks, racing seats. Custom color jobs that are positively psychedelic. Excitement runs rights through the line. Even the classic models show it. That famous four-stroke engine comes on with authroity. Won five out of five '66 Grand Prix Championships. An all-time record. A bike for a boss. That's Honda. Anything less would question your manhood. One of those 20 models is going to turn you on. Brace yourself.
You meet the nicest people on a Honda."
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Kodak Vest Pocket Model B, 1930
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração, No. 110, July 16, 1930. Click image 978 x 1500 size.
"For your convenience.
We make Kodak for your convenience. The world-wide popularity of the Vest Pocket makes it the favorite of all those who wish a simple, light, solid and small sized machine, but with results that equal the large sized models.
It is so small you can carry it in your vest's pocket, Kodak's vest Pocket Model B. It is always ready to take excellent photographs, with the assurance you will not miss those moments that interest you the most, no matter how quickly and unpredictably they come up."
Jap Rose Soap, 1919
From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919". Click image 1211 x 1816 size.
"Jap Rose Soap For the toilet and bath
James S. Kirk & Co.
Loved by children
If you could see a chemical analysis of this ultra refined toilet soap you would know why it is always so pleasing and refreshing to use, and why it leaves the skin in such perfect condition.
You would know too, why the children love it. And you would know that it is what its delicate transparency suggests -- PURE.
Roses in the cheeks, flufiness in the hair, fragrant cleanliness everywhere -- that's Jap Rose.
You'll like it.
For seventy nine years the name Kirk has been the guarantee of good soap"
Click image 562 x 496 size.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Projecto de Luta Contra a Pobreza dos CTT
Até Agosto de 2009, qualquer pessoa pode deslocar-se a qualquer Estação de Correios de Norte a Sul do Continente e Regiões Autónomas com um donativo de bens não líquidos. Uma vez na estação de correios, ser-lhe-á fornecida gratuitamente uma caixa de transporte em cartão, a Embalagem Solidária dos CTT, cujos portes de envio são totalmente gratuitos, no âmbito do seu Projecto de Luta Contra a Pobreza. O autor do donativo apenas terá de encher a caixa, selá-la, e escolher a instituição destinatária, entre as várias possíveis, sem precisar de indicar uma morada. Os Correios tratam do transporte e da entrega, de forma totalmente gratuita.
Tipo de donativos aceites: roupa para adulto e bebé, calçado, agasalhos, fraldas, toalhitas para bebé, outros artigos de higiene para adultos, livros para bibliotecas infantis, dicionários, material escolar, material didáctico, papas e leite em pó, alimentos enlatados, brinquedos, material de escritório, material informático, produtos de limpeza, lençóis, atoalhados e outra roupa de casa, pequenos electrodomésticos, entre outros.
Instituições que os recebem: Casa do Caminho, Acreditar, ADRA Portugal, Ajuda de Berço, Ajuda de Mãe, Aldeias SOS, Associação Sol, Casa do Gaiato, Fundação do Gil, Fundação da Juventude (Porto), Refúgio Aboim Ascensão, Liga Nacional Contra a Fome, Abraço, ACAPO, AMI, Associação Portuguesa de Surdos, Centro Hellen Keller, Comunidade Vida e Paz, Fenacerci, Fundação Pró-Diginitate, GIRA, Liga Portuguesa Contra a Sida, Médicos do Mundo Portugal, Cruz Vermelha e CDA - Casa do Aposentado dos Correios e Telecomunicações.
Dirigi-me hoje a uma estação de correios para, dentro do âmbito desta campanha, doar vários sacos de roupas. Foi muito fácil e rápido, sobretudo agora que Lisboa está às moscas e havia muito poucas pessoas para atender. Na caixa constam os nomes das instituições acima referidas, e é só fazer uma cruzinha na entidade da vossa escolha, tão simples como isto. A instituição que escolhi foi a Comunidade Vida e Paz.
A minha única crítica é não ter ouvido qualquer referência a esta campanha, nem nos orgãos de comunicação privados nem estatais, nem nos blogues -- nem mesmo nas próprias estações de correio se vê qualquer referência a esta iniciativa, à qual se devia ter dado, no mínimo, tanto relevo como ao banco alimentar contra a fome. Se considerarmos que, ao contrário do banco, esta campanha tem tempo limitado e vai acabar já em Agosto (porquê?) ainda mais razão havia para não deixar de a publicitar.
De qualquer forma, aqui fica a informação.
Larry Stults, Hupmobile Eight, 1926
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s". Click image 645 x 869 size.
"The distinguisehd Hupmobile Eight
The builder of a famous and costly French car selects the Hupmobile Eight as the smoothest, quietest car in America, thus indicating the profound superiority which Hupmobile has achieved in straight-eight engineering and performance.
In the fine car field the trend is undoubtedly towards eights"
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Dranbuie Liqueur, 1985
Scanned from Taschen's "American Ads of the 80s". Click image 640 x 873 size.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Selig Furniture, 1974
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s". Click image 600 x 800 size.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Magnésia Bisurada, 1946
Scanned from Portuguese magazine O Século Ilustrado, March 16, 1946. Click image 348 x 800 size.
"At last, I can have dinner!
My dyspepsia is gone
You can't enjoy food is you're bothered by gas and burping, as well as other symptoms of hyper-acidity. Free yourself from those ills with Magnésia Bisurada. One tea spoon or 2 or 4 pills will give you immediate relief, neutralizing excessive acidity.
Assured digestion with Magnésia Bisurada."
Monday, July 6, 2009
Modiano cigarettes, 1930

Federico Seneca, poster for Modiano cigarettes, 1930 Italy, originally uploaded by A Journey Round My Skull.
Federico Seneca, Italian poster. Via A Journey Round My Skull.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Surfis Premium Butterine, 1908
"Flowers and japs, japs and flowers
One sees here and there
But Surfis Premium Butterine
Is seen everywhere
Yours truly
Friday, July 3, 2009
Eugène Permanent Wave, 1920
Scanned from Bronwen Meredith's "Vogue Body and Beauty Book" 1977. Click image for 900 x 600 size.
"Eugène rules the waves
Inventors and Patentees of the world renowned
Eugène Appliances
for Permanent Hairwaving
Mr. Eugène has personally given, in his Paris Salons, a demonstration of his famous Patented Appliances to the well-known film producers, Messrs. Gaumont. This series of cinema demonstrations may be seen throughout Great Britain during September, and show how Eugène's wonderful process can transform the lankiest hair into soft becoming waves."
Thursday, July 2, 2009
DeKuyper Schnapps, 1986
Scanned from Taschen's "American Ads of the 80s". Click image for 652 x 896 size.
"There's only one thing that tastes more like a crisp, juicy apple than Original Apple Barrel' Schnapps.
Dekuyper Original Apple Barrel Schnapps
Straight, rocks or with soda. Bite into one today."
Tokalon moisturizer, 1946
Scanned from Portuguese magazine O Século Ilustrado, March 16, 1946.
"How a newlywed found beauty and happiness
But a month ago I was an ordinary girl without any charms, says Madame G...
When I reached 25 I began to fear I would be left on the shelf. I was going to a lot of balls, but I made no impression. A friend of mine, newlywed, told me her secret. 'What you need is a skin full of freshness, fair, beautiful for men to admire', she told me. Today, John tells me it was my youthful radiant appearance that first attracted him.
Here is what I've done: every night I applied skin nourishing cream Tokalon Pink. It contains a precious extract of skin cells, discovered by a reputed Viennese specialist. During sleep, this cream nourishes and beautifies your skin. In the morning, I'd apply Tokalon White cream (non fat). In a few days my skin became fresh, fair, soft as velvet, my pores dilated, all spots and black spots completely vanished.
Do men find YOU seductive and captivating? If not, start today. Give your skin a new life of beauty with nourishing Tokalon cream. Do not mistake Tokalon with ordinary creams that contain no nourishing ingredient for your skin.
In every perfume shop and good houses."