From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919". Click image for 549 x 820 size.
Supreme Ham
For dinner - there's nothing more delicious than a Supreme Ham, baked and seasoned with cloves. Serve it to your guests at the meal you want remembered. Its tenderness and fine, mild flavor are the result of our Supreme cure. All Morris Supreme foods are delicious; they belong in your market basket.
Morris & Company"
Monday, May 31, 2010
Morris Ham, 1919
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Coca-Cola ad, 1974
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s". Click image for 536 x 700 size.
"For the real times. It's the real thing. Coke."
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Brandy Borges, 1947
Scanned from Portuguese magazine O Século Ilustrado, No. 507, September 20 1947. Click image for 549 x 877 size.
"... Very old things."
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tampax, 1947
Scanned from Portuguese magazine O Século Ilustrado, No. 507, September 20 1947. Click image for 816 x 1122 size.
"Enjoy yourself without worries
Tampax for ladies' hygiene
The most modern, the most comfortable
Soon to be available"
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Clorox, 1974
"Clorox. If you thought your sink was sunk.
Clorox gets out stubborn stains without scrubbing or scratching! Just run two inches warm water into sink, pour in 3/4 cup Clorox liquid bleach. Swish solution around, let stand for 5 minutes. Then simply drain away many stubborn food stains - even tea and grape juice - as well as germs and odors.
Remove tea and coffee stains from coffee pots, tea pots and cups. Just soak 5 - 10 min. in solution of 3 tbs. Clorox to quart of hot water. Rinse. (Not for metal pots.)
Clorox. It does more than the wash."
Monday, May 24, 2010
Pineapple, 1952
"Nature's most refreshing flavor happens to a meat dish... when you bring on Pineapple
You can't miss on pleasin' when Pineapple comes to the table! In meat dishes, salads, bakings... as breakfast fruit or dinner dessert... Pineapple gives your meal a lift with Nature's most refreshing flavor. Canned 5 ways, as golden juice and varied fruit cuts, to be the good companion of America's good-eating. So many families like Pineapple so much that it is kept on hand in more home pantries than any other fruit. You get quick food energy, protective vitamins and minerals too, in this tropic fruit. Pineapple's now plentiful at welcome low cost. Better stock up!"
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Shell Motor Oil, 1930
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração, No. 118, November 16 1930. Click image for 941 x 1287 size.
"Do you wish to save? Shellubrify
Queenland Air Navigation Limited
Air Service Operators
Air Mail Contractors
The manager,
The Shell Company of Australia Limited
Dear Sir,
One of our machines, a Gypsy Moth, VH-UIR has used Golden Shell Oil solely and the Oil has been changed at proper intervals, with the result that when the Machine came in for a general overhaul, after the Machine covered 35,000 miles, there was no necessity for replacements, and Bearings, etc, were found to be in perfect order, equal to any machines that have only done 50 hours running on other lubricating Oils.
I also wish to mention the fact that the Air Service Machines, using Siddeley Lynx Engines and your lubricating Oil, Golden Shell, have done 275 hours per Engine, covering 18,000 miles in the first month, at the cost of only one valve spring, and the Engines are in perfect order and condition.
Ia m,
Yours faithfully,
Technical Adviser
Each drop counts"
Click image for 875 x 743 size.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Lincoln, 1930
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração, No. 117, November 1 1930. Illustration by Aníbal Tejada. Click image for 1284 x 1796 size.
"Bulls in a Spanish village. Today's and forever's car-vehicle - is used as a seat.
The typical acrid taste, the astonishment and joy of the tourists.
Lincoln, the ultimate show of cosmopolitanism, is the car of tourists and travelers of refined taste and high social status."
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Verlaine Fashion, 1919-20

Fernand Simeon, Les Feuillets d'Art magazine, Verlaine Advertisement, 1919-20, originally uploaded by Gatochy.
Click image for 740 x 925 size. Drawing by Fernand Simeon, in Les Feuillets d'Art magazine.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Camay soap, 1951
Your complexion is smoother - clearer, too - with your First Cake of Camay!
Mrs. Jackson Stanton, the former Marian Richards of California, is a recent - and lovely - Camay Bride
Doesn't Marian Stanton look like a story-book princess? Her hair is the color of spun gold - her eyes are azure. Yes, and Marian has a complexion soft and lovely as any heroine of fiction. Her first cake of Camay brought romantic new beauty to her skin!
Say 'Camay' and Marian's eyes sparkle. 'Camay smooths and freshens your complexion so quickly,' she confides to friends. 'Why, when I changed to regular care and mild, gentle Camay - my very first cake brought a clearer, softer look to my skin!'
You'll be lovelier, too - when you change to regular care - use Camay alone. Camay's lather is rich and creamy - just the kind you need to wake the sleeping beauty of your skin. Use Camay - and a softer, clearer complexion will be your reward!"
Golden Age Macaroni, 1919
From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919". Click image for 588 x 882 size.
"Here's why the 'company' are going to stay for supper
Golden Age Americanized Macaroni seconds the hostess' invitation. And inviting is the name of it whether combined with meat or other foods, or served alone - a meal in itself, with more food value than meat and bread of equal weight. There's magic in macaroni, the most quickly prepared of dishes - magic in the way it combines with every variety of meat, vegetables, fruit - it makes everything from the breakfast cereal that begins a day even to a dessert that finishes the dinner at night."
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Coca-Cola, 1978
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s". Click image for 676 x 886 size.
"How to liven up the day after the holiday, too!
Its the day after. You open the fridge and all that's left are the leftovers. This is your chance to pile up all your favorite holiday tastes into one giant super-sandwich. Now... if you can just find one chilled bottle of Coke somewhere between the carton of eggs and the last of the turkey, you've got it made."
Monday, May 17, 2010
Vacuum Water Heater and Sunflower Petroleum, 1930
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração, No. 117, November 1 1930. Click image for 1292 x 1792 size.
"The days of hot weather are over! Now is the time for warm baths!
Vacuum Water Heater quickly prepares a bath with a minimum of Sunflower petroleum.
It beautifies any bathroom; it's easy to handle and it works any where where there is running water."
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Kraft, 1948
"From the Kraft Shelf in your refrigerator... cheese treats galore!
The world's favorite cheeses are made or imported by Kraft."
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Seven-Up, 1979
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s". Click image for 534 x 700 size.
"America's turning 7UP
All over America things are looking up. Because people are enjoying a crisper, more active kind of life.
Everywhere you look, they're jogging, swimming, backpacking, hiking, doing what they love to do.
And there's one taste as crisp, clean and refreshing as this new direction America's turning to. The taste of 7UP."
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Miller High Life, 1954
From America's farmland comes a rich variety of taste-tempting cheeses... their meadow-fresh flavors offering rare delight... in creamy sauces, savory appetizers and hearty desserts. And, for a combination unmatched in pure pleasure, enjoy your favorite cheese with golden, gleaming Miller High Life... the Champagne of Bottle Beer. Snack-time, meal-time, anytime is the right time to enjoy Miller High Life and the cheese of your choice! A genuine Milwaukee beer, Miller High Life is brewed and bottled in the Miller Brewing Company only... and only in Milwaukee, Wisconsin."
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Typewriters Facit, 1942
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Século Ilustrado, No. 283, June 5 1942. Click image for 807 x 791 size.
"An argument over the typewriter 'Facit'
It's time to get another one!!"
Monday, May 10, 2010
ENO Fruit Salt, 1930
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração, No. 115, October 1 1930. Click image for 868 x 1172 size.
"Time for ENO!
For days full of health and high spirits, always take ENO's 'Fruit Salt' when you rise out of bed in the morning.
Thanks to 'ENO' you will be rid of stomach and liver ails and all the bothers of constipation.
'ENO''s fruit salt's high degree of purity and its smooth laxative action have garnered a universal reputation as a precious aid in health for the past sixty years.
Always demand the brand ENO's 'Fruit Salt'."
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Eatmor Cranberries, 1919
From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919". Click image for 593 x 883 size.
"Cranberries should be on the table every day
They are the most delicious - healthful - economical of fruits. 8 lbs. of cranberries and 2 1/2 lbs. of sugar make 10 tumblers of beautiful jelly."
Friday, May 7, 2010
Royal Crown Cola, 1961
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 60s".
"Up to date! The new-day cola with the refreshing difference
Tastes fresher
Made fresher from protected concentrate not perishable syrup
Try RC today. It's the *fresher* refresher"
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Valentim de Carvalho record players, 1946
Scanned from Portuguese magazine O Século Ilustrado, n. 427, March 9 1946. Click image for 840 x 1044 size.
Models for alternative current
Models for all other currents"
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Maizena Duryea, 1930
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração, No. 115, October 1 1930. Click image for 723 x 1002 size.
"Healthy, strong, cheerful children
It's not food that makes children healthy and robust. It's what they digest. That is why for over half a century Maizena Duryea is recognized as the incomparable food for little children.
We have a copy for you of the excellent book Maizena Duryea Kitchen Recipes. If you'd like it, please be so kind as to send us your name and address. Request it, mam."
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Stark Davis, Lincoln Berline Landaulet ad, 1927
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s". Click image for 676 x 900 size.
"The Berline Landaulet
The goal of Lincoln builders is to build a motor car which shall reach today's peak of performance. Their next purpose is to beautify the car to the point where nothing is left undone to suit the most fastidious. How well they succeed is demonstrated by the action and beauty of this Berline Landaulet by Willoughby."
Monday, May 3, 2010
Jell-O, 1912
From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919". Click image for 861 x 1277 size.
"America's Most Famous Dessert
Two Perfect Things.
As the welcome valentine combines just enough sentiment with beauty, so the perfect dessert has just enough flavor, is just sweet enough or tart enough, and just substantial enough.
Ask any well-informed woman what dessert possesses these qualities and she will tell you Jell-O.
A Jell-O dessert can be made in a minute. The package of Jell-O to make it costs only 10 cents at any grocer's.
These are seven delightful Jell-O flavors: Strawberry, Raspberry, Lemon, Orange, Cherry, Peach, Chocolate.
The splendid recipe book, 'Desserts of the World,' illustrated in ten colors and gold, will be sent free to all who write and ask us for it."
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Sabra Liqueur, 1977
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s". Click image for 536 x 700 size.
"Born in Israel
Sabra Liqueur
The essence of the Jaffa orange with just a hint of fine chocolate."