Click image for 596 x 881 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"Happy New Year 1920
for your New Year's breakfast - Wilson's Certified Bacon
'Start the New Year right' - a few rashers of this carefully-selected, skilfully-smoked and cured bacon, with its tempting mild, sweet flavor and its appetizingly good quality, will put the zest of happiness upon the day.
Like Wilson's Certified Hams, Oleomargarine, Preserves and all Wilson products, our Certified Bacon is selected, handled and prepared with the respect your own mother would show toward anything she prepared especially for your table.
Write us for a free copy of 'Wilson's Meat Cookery' - a book of authority on the economical buying and cooking of meats.
'This mark Wilson & Co. your guarantee'
The Wilson label protects your table"
Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year
Max Factor, 1969
Click image for 746 x 1000 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
"If you're looking for the most luxurious cover-up in the world... don't settle for mink.
Get Pan-Stik Make-up only by Max Factor.
With Pan-Stik cream make-up your complexion becomes flawless... quietly elegant. Pan-Stik slips on softly. It covers flaws, covers freckles, covers everything but the beauty of you. It hovers softly on your skin, ricjer than milk, sweeter than honey to the eye (delicately smooth to the touch). No wonder Pan-Stik is known in certain circles as the make-up that great beauties are made of."
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Réussite nail varnish, 1950s
Click image for 810 x 1024 size. Scanned from a Film Complet magazine, 21-9-50. Via Agence eureka.
"The Cream-Varnishes are the latest fashion, an addition to the prestigious brand Eclador de Lesquendieu of varnishes, polishes, rosée de perles"
Face Powder Rigaud, 1950s
Via Agence eureka.
"The reflexion of your charm and beauty will prove the precious qualities of
Rigaud Face Powders
In 16 hues and delicately perfumed"
Bernardo Marques, Namúli
Via Dias que Voam.
"Namúlia rivals with the best foreign teas
Tasty till the last drop
Sold only in packets"
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Mentholatum, 1947
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Século Ilustrado, No. 484, April 12 1947.
"For rough and irritated skin
Its soothing properties give instant relief"
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The Wizard of Oz, 1940
Click image for 1866 x 2634 size. Scanned from Portuguese magazine Século Ilustrado, No. 152, November 30 1940.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Herumesu Radios ad, 1930s
Click image for 565 x 800 size. Scanned from Taschen's "Japanese Beauties".
"My feet are smooth and dancing with sounds from Herumesu." (Thanks to Paula Wirth for translating!)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Heremesu Radio, 1930s
Click image for 570 x 800 size. Scanned from Taschen's "Japanese Beauties".
"The autumn night is much more pleasant with music from Heremesu." (Thanks to Paula Wirth for translating!)
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Coca-Cola, 1977
Scanned from Portuguese magazine Eva, December 1977. Click image for 1023 x 1398 size. Via T of Dias que Voam blog.
"Happy Holidays
Coca-Cola... the one!"
Friday, December 24, 2010
Fred Packer, Powers Coloritype Co., 1920s
Click image for 537 x 800 size.
"Powers Coloritype Co.
Color Plate Specialists"
Marjory C. Woodbury, Indian Head Fabric, 1918
Click image for 567 x 874 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"Instead of Linen -
Indian Head Cloth
Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.
84 Years in Fashion
This quaint dress appears in Godey's Lady's Book for 1835. The last word in Paris fashions, it was just as modish then as the Indian Head frocks of today. Indian Head has been steadily growing in feminine favor ever since we first began to weave it 84 years ago. Now it is the recognized white fabric for smart tub dresses and sport clothes for women and children.
Indian Head is both fashionable and practical. Fashionable because it has a beautiful finish and tailors well. Practical because it wears well and launders crisp as new. It does not wrinkle easily and is slow to show soil.
'Indian Head" always is in (?) letters on selvage. Made 27, 32, 36, 44 and 54 inches wide and sold everywhere. Identify ready-to-wear clothes of Indian Head by woven label.
We will replace with equal yardage any piece of Indian Head which does not give satisfactory wear (...)"
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Marjory C. Woodbury, Indian Head Fabric, 1918
Click image for 1196 x 1824 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"Indian Head
Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.
Not a Fad but a Fashion
Just as really smart women adopt not the newest of the new fashions, but rather the best of the new fashions - because such garments look best first and last - so you will find the cleverest suits and sport clothes for summer made of Indian Head. It is the White wash-fabric that stays good looking. Garments made of it have a lasting atmosphere of style that is possible only with a very well-made fabric.
Indian Head helps the kiddies to look spic and span longer than seems possible. In it they are clad for any call of fun or fashion.
Many ready-to-wear clothes made of Indian Head are now shown in the shops. If the label is sewn in the garment you will know that it is the real Indian Head.
Made in one unchanging quality for 80 years, Indian Head may now be had in two finishes - soft or linen finish, each made in four widths, 27, 33, 36, and 44 inches.
Some stores sell Indian Head in the Wash Goods Department, others in the Domestics. The Linen Finish is usually sold in the Linen Department. Wherever you find it, the name INDIAN HEAD must appear on the selvage, or you are not getting Indian Head at all.
For Your Little Girl
Send 6 cents for a sample of INDIAN HEAD cur out ready to sew with a sample directions into a dress for an 18'' dolly."
Richard Amsel, Murder on the Orient Express, 1974
Click image for 558 x 755 size.
"The who's who in the whoodunit!"
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Richard Amsel, The Seven-Per-Cent Solution, 1976

Sherlock Holmes meets Sigmund Freud
The story is true... only the facts have been made up."
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Motorola, 1962
Click image for 1188 x 726 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
"Fresh from Motorola... new leader in the lively art of electronics
A practical guide to successful Santa Clausing
This Christmas, why not give presents that give lasting enjoyment? Like the handsome Motorola TV, Stereo Hi-Fi sets and Radios you see here.
Your Motorola dealer has many others for you to choose from - you're almost sure to find just the right gift for every member of the family - and every one of them offers you the outstanding performance and reliability Motorola is famous for.
Do your Christmas shopping early this year... at your Motorola dealer's. (Prices shown are manufacturer's suggested list prices, optional with dealers, slightly higher in some areas.)"
Nestle, 1943
"His one weakness-
... Toll House Cookies from home. Now that nestle's Semi-Sweet Chocolate is harder to get - because so much of it is going to the fighting forces in emergency and combat rations - put it to the best possible use. Make up a batch of those golden-brown, crunchy Toll House Cookies and send it to that soldier boy of yours. He always did go for those crisp, brown cookies containing whole pieces of netle's Semi-Sweet Chocolate. You'll find the easy-to-make recipe on every package.
When your dealer is temporarily out of Nestle's Chocolate products, please be patient. Remember the demands of our armed forces are heavy, but they just come first."
American Meat Institute
Click image for 1050 x 1525 size. Scanned from "Kitchen Kitsch - Eat & Drink in America".
"This is Life
Standing Rib Roast of Prime Beef - you may not find it every time you look for it in your store... but it's on its way back!
This is not just a piece of meat... this is something a man wants to come home to... something that helps children to grow... something that makes women proud of their meals.
This is a symbol of man's desire, his will to survive. For as old as man's instibct to live is his liking for meat. And to be satisfied in its eating.
Is it any wonder that, as meat moves back to the Home Plate, we look on meat with new regard, not just for its enjoyment, but as a nutritional cornerstone of life?
The protein of all meat (regardless of cut or kind) is complete. It contains all the amido acids essential to life.
Children must have them for growth. Everyone, young and old, must have them to maintain tissues, regenerate blood, resist infections, rebuild the body after injury or illness.
This seal means that all nutritional statements made in this advertisement arre acceptable to the Council of Foods and Nutrition of the American Medical Association.
American Meat Institute... Headquarters, Chicago... Members throughout the U. S."
Monday, December 20, 2010
Miss Fluffy's Rice
Click image for 557 x 800 size. Scanned from "Kitchen Kitsch - Eat & Drink in America".
"Miss Fluffy's Rice Cook Book"
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Avon Cosmetics, 1963
"Traditionally Christmas
Gifts by Avon... A Joy to Select... A Joy to Give... A Joy to Receive.
Avon Calling gives you all the excitement of Christmas shopping with all the comforts of home. Do welcome your Avon Representative when she calls."
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Let's Bake, book cover
Click image for 546 x 800 size. Scanned from "Kitchen Kitsch - Eat & Drink in America".
"'No-sift' recipes developed especially for Robin Hood Pre-Sifted Flour
Let's Bake
The Robin Hood 'No-Sift' Way"
Roper Gas Range
Click image for 555 x 800 size. Scanned from "Kitchen Kitsch - Eat & Drink in America".
"Design for Living... Graciously
With a New Roper Gas Range
Alltrol 'center-simmer' top burner are mucj faster... more efficient... ideal every way
'Bake-naster' ovens pre-heat faster... bake and roast while using less fuel
'Roper-glo' broiler burners broil big, thick steak in 10 minutes or less
Built to 'CP standards
'America's Fines'... Performance Proves It!
The great new ROPER automatic gas ranges provide a carefree cooking service that's superior in every respect. Utilizing Gas, the nation's favorite fuel, they assure the ultimate in speed, cleanliness, convenience and economy. More than 69 years of gas range manufacturing experience has contributed to the host of exclusive ROPER features you can enjoy today. Choose your new ROPER from the most complete line of gas ranges in the industry. Wrote for Free Folder T. Ask your ROPER retailer about these new beauties. Geo. D. Roper Corporation, Rockford, Illinois.
Roper Gas Ranges . Roper Gas Ranges in Decorator Colors
Roper 'arRANGEable' Built-In Gas Cooking Units
Roper 'Dry-Aire' Gas Clothes Dryers"
Friday, December 17, 2010
Multiple Electric Vibrator
Click image for 640 x 426 size.
"Multiple Electric Vibrator massages the Scalp
Four hundred and eighty artificial fingers give the scalp a gentle and beneficial massage, in a multiple electric vibrator just introduced. Light in weight, the appliance may easily be self-manipulated as at the left, with the aid of two convenient hand grips, while four vibrating disks do their work in unison. The machine is said to stimulate the circulation of blood to scalp and brain cells and to remove all dancrudd and loose hair.
Using the new vibrator. Inset shows four disks."
Thursday, December 16, 2010
D.D.D. Prescription
Click image for 640 x 384 size.
"The Secret of her Loveliness
She owes her fresh flawless complex to daily use of D. D. D. Prescription. Every evening she cleanses her face with this golden antiseptic lotion. Sinking deep down into the clogged pores of the skin, D. D. D. Prescription removes every trace of cream and powder, dirt and dust, thoroughly cleansing the skin and enabling it to 'breathe' again. If you are in despair with a spotty. lifeless skin, give D. D. D. Prescription the chance to work its beautifying wonders on you too. Blackheads, pimples, boils and rashes can never form on a skin deep-cleansed with D. D. D. Prescription, and your complexion, free from dirt and germs and stale cosmetics, will soon grow radiant and flawless, lovely in the beauty that only perfect skin-health can give.
Even if your worry is a more serious skin trouble, such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, or impetigo, you can trust to D. D. D. Prescription, the reliable skin remedy, to bring you speedy relief.
D. D. D. Prescription is sold by your chemist at 1/3 a bottle."
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Miracle Whip Salad Dressing and Kraft Mayonnaise
Click image for 784 x 1248 size.
"An entirely new type of salad dressing... a delicious combination of mayonnaise and old-fashioned boiled dressing. Tangy, tantalizing, Miracle Whip has a wonderful flavor all its own; is uniquely smooth and creamy.
True Mayonnaise of real home-made goodness is now available 'Kitchen Fresh' at your food stores. Ask for Kraft Mayonnaise - a superb blend of choice ingredients including Fresh Lemon Juice."
Monday, December 13, 2010
Lady Buxton, 1950
"If you smoke, wear glasses, unlock doors, carry lots of pictures, or just spend money. The Evening Star by Lady Buxton."
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Heremesu radios, 1930s
Click image for 572 x 800 size. Scanned from Taschen's "Japanese Beauties".
"The dream of Venice, Italy for you with sweet beautiful serenading". (Thanks to Paula Wirth and to Michi for translating!)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Japanese White face Powder, 1940s
Click image for 724 x 1000 size. Scanned from Taschen's "Japanese Beauties". "White powder that is the 'newest in the world'" (Thanks to Paula Wirth and Michi for translating!)
Mitsui Trading Company, Coffee bean, 1930s
Click image for 573 x 800 size. Coffee bean ad for Mitsui Trading Company (large company still in existence - trades everything from pencils to missiles) (Thanks to Paula Wirth for translating!) Scanned from Taschen's "Japanese Beauties".
Friday, December 10, 2010
Scot Tissue, 1926
Click image for 905 x 1200 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
"Women sense it immediately
- that atmosphere of elegance and refinement - those necessary little appointments, noticed but not discussed, which contribute so much to the comfort and well-being of guests and family.
ScotTissue has made a place for itself in wellconducted homes. It is the choice of discriminating women everywhere, because of its hygienic purity and safety.
A highly-absorbent, snow-white, soothing tissue, marvelously soft as fine old linen. Kind to the most sensitive skin. Peculiarly adapted to the needs of women of intuitive daintiness. Ask your doctor.
No conversation. Just say 'ScotTissue' to your storekeeper and receive a big, economical, dustproof roll."
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Marjory C. Woodbury, Indian Head Fabric, 1919
Click image for 569 x 871 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"Instead of Linen -
Indian Head Cloth
Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.
A Fearless Fabric
This cloth is no hot-house beauty needing thoughtful protection against dampness and hand wear. It is the white fabric for the outdoor girl who wants service as well as style. It is thw white fabric for the small boy's suits, the growing girl's middies, and the charming street gowns and indoor dresses which make mother look like a big sister.
Indian Head is the cloth best suited for white sport clothes and tailored frocks for all ages of womankind from two years old to two and seventy. It is slow to soil. It is slow to wrinkle. It launders well, for its firm thread is woven for strength as well as beauty. And it is inexpensive.
'Indian head' always is in dotted letters on selvage. Made 54, 44, 36, 33, and 27 inches wide and sold everywhere. Identify ready-towear clothes of Indian Head by woven label.
We will replace with equal yardage any piece of Indian Head which does not give satisfactory wear, keep its smooth finish and clear white color.
One woman's many uses of Indian Head is told in 'Her Thrift Fabric.' Free on request.
INDIAN HEAD will be on display everywhere during the January White Sales"
Marjory C. Woodbury, Kalburnie Zephyr Gingham, 1919
Click image for 570 x 874 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"Kalburnie Zephyr
Fast Color. 32 inches wide
Gingham has a charm for all womankind, for home, beach or porch, for simple house dresses and afternoon dresses."
Philips Castle, Heineken, Star Trek's Mr Spock, 1975
Click image for 578 x 800 size. Scanned from the book "Airflow," 1980.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Montgomery Ward Department Store, 1971
Click image for 1404 x 893 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 70s". The Mickey Mouse Club kids.
"Tapping their way to stardom. Wards clothes for today's kids.
What every kid knows is that where it's at is where it was. Like twirly skirts. And cowboy shirts. And ingenue dresses. And plaids, paisley and patchwork prints. All the great looks of the past that are the great looks of today.
But Wards has made a change. All those yesteryear-looking clothes are made in right now, easy to care for fabrics. When we give your kids the clothes they want we give you the clothes you want them to have. Open a Wards 'Charg-All' account. It make shopping simpler in our stores and catalog.
Montgomery Ward
Wards. The unexpected."
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Motorola, 1963
Click image for 1193 x 734 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
"Fresh from Motorola... new leader in the lively art of electronics
Motorola believes stereo hi-fi should look as good as it sounds
If you have an eye for things that are more than run-of-the-mill, the stereo hi-fi Motorola has to offer should definitely impress you, whatever your thoughts on sound, size, or price.
Motorola offers a complete line of portables starting at $79.95 that are just the thing for school, vacation, or where space is a problem. Smart-looking console models come in a variety of styles and finishes as low as $129.95. Many models give you the extra enjoyment of FM/AM and FM stereo radio.
If fine furniture is just as important to you as stereo hi-fi sound, you'll particularly appreciate Motorla's exclusive Drexel models. These unique pieces combine authentic Drexel craftsmanship with features like the Vibrasonic System that adds reflected sound energy to recorded music for a live vibrant sound, Dynamic Sound Focus, and Motorola's famous three-channel sound output system.
Next time you're in the neighborhood, stop by your Motorola dealer's and let him give you a demonstration - show you with eyes and ears what you've been missing. All prices shown are manufacturer's suggested list (optional with dealers)."
Monday, December 6, 2010
Motorola, 1962
Click image for 1182 x 756 size. Scanned from The Golden Age of Advertising - the 60s.
"Fresh from Motorola...
new leader in the lively art of electronics
New! Stereo Hi-Fi and Stereo FM with the difference you can hear
If you have an eye for the unusual and an appetite for new experiences, you're probably ready for this latest advance in stereo.
Now that FM is being broadcast stereophonically, (up to new stereo reception has been available only on records) Motorola's three separate amplifiers and three separate speaker systems (instead of the usual two) are more important than ever. You get true stereo effect from a single cabinet... and the difference is one you can hear.
In addition, a new and exclusive Motorola development - Vibrasonic - lets you dial new realism into recorded sound... in any room, on any record or FM. Sound comes out richer, livelier, more dimensional.
Listen to several different kinds of stereo... that's the best way to hear the difference that Motorola's engineering leadership makes.
Motorola will satisfy not only the sensitive ear, but also the discerning eye. There is a wide choice of superb furniture styles, including designs by Dresel."
Wrigley's Spearmint Gum, 1950
"Suggestions for Delicious Economical Treats
Tips to Housewives and family shoppers
Wise Ways to Please
Want to really hear them smack their lips? Try this taste-exciting top to your next Apple Pie. Before your pie goes in oven, cover with mixture of 3 tbs. flour, 3/4 c. quick-cooking oats, 1/2 c. brown sugar, 1/2 c. peanut brittle, 2 tbs. shortening. Works equally well with uncooked frozen pie bought at the store.
TIP Don't throw away pineapple top. Put in sandy, moist earth. A plant to beautify home!
TIP For thrifty treat pleasing all ages get delicious Wrigley's Spearmint Gum. The chewing fun plus grand-tasting flavor satisfies but can't hurt appetite. Just try it.
TIP Good coffee must smell good. That's why coffee should be freshly made and hot.
TIP Halloween ia easily taken care of for 'tricks or treats' by treating with delicious Wrigley's Spearmint Gum. Children just love it. Try it.
TIP Taffy Pull is great sport and cheap. For 'unsticky' hands, butter often or dust with powdered sugar.
Enjoy Daily - Tastes so Good
Lasts so Long
Costs so Little."
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Japanese Moisturizer, 1940s
Click image for 725 x 1000 size. Scanned from Taschen's "Japanese Beauties".
Darlynn Blouses, 1957
in Monogrammed Blousons
Yours for wonderful holidates - a most personal gift to your friends. In DAZZLE, SPRINGMAID's lustrous wrinkle-resistant broadcloth that requires little or no ironing. With roll-up sleeves in White, Red, Beige, Light Blue, Tropic Green, Gold, Black. Sizes 30-38. About $4. ea.
A. Button-down collar... may be worn with or without monogram Tab
B. Dettachable monogram tab on pocket, Italian collar.
Fun to wear or give!"
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Heremesu radios, 1930s
Click image for 567 x 800 size. Scanned from Taschen's "Japanese Beauties".
(Thanks to Paula Wirth for translating!)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sellers Kitchen Cabinets, 1924
Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s". Click image for 1484 x 1998 size.
Blue Bird Electric Clothes Washer, 1920
Click image for 610 x 892 size. Scanned from Taschen's "All-American Ads of the 20s".
Electric Clothes Washer
Two-Fold Happiness for her New Home
BlueBird is one of those rare gifts that is valued not only for what it does but also for what it permits one to do.
Because it washes with almost unbelievable thoroughness and speed, even a heavy washing can be on the line by nine.
But the happiness it brings does not consist only of doing away with the drudgery of wash day. It adds daily to the joy of living, because the home with a BlueBird can use its fine fabrics constantly.
For the BlueBird way of washing makes clothes last many times longer than when they are washed on a rub board.
The leading dealer in your locality sells BlueBird. He will be glad to show you why BlueBird washes so thoroughly that it cleans even heavy blankets in fifteen minutes, and so wearlessly that even a veil can be washed in it without a thread being harmed.
BlueBird can be bought any where by making an initial payment of a few dollars, arranging to pay the rest in convenient monthly sums."
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Marjory C. Woodbury, Nashua Woolnap Blankets, 1919
Click image for 597 x 881 size. From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919".
"Grandmother has learned the service that Nashua Woolnap Blankets give. She has tested these pure cotton blankets under every condition. She knows they are strong; they are durable; they wash well; moths will not touch them; they possess heat-retaining qualities equal to any blanket. And all this at a reasonable price.
Nashua Woolnap Blankets
of Pure Cotton
Keep You Warm
Nashua Woolnap Blankets are warm because they are woven of Nature's principles. Nature covers her little people with blankets of fur or feathers to protect them from cold and storm. These blankets have no warmth in themselves. It is the tiny imprisoned air-cells between the fibers which bodily heat in and keep cold out.
So Nashua Woolnap Blankets are woven with the long, straight fibre of cotton crinkled to give a deep cushioned nap. This soft nap is filled with the same countless air-cells necessary to hold in the warmth and keep the cold out.
There is a Nashua Woolnap for every use and kind of bed - including regular plain blankets, decorative plaids, and durable tans and grays for the boys or for camping. For double beds we recommend 72 by 84 inch size; for three-quarter and twin beds we suggest 66 by 84, or 66 by 80 inches. The crib blankets are 36 by 50 inches.
Nashua Woolnap Blankets are thoroughly inspected throughout every process of manufacture. Individually wrapped, they reach you in perfect condition. They may be washed at home with perfect satisfaction. However, we recommend that you save time, labor and coal by sending them to a well-equipped, up-to-date laundry.
Kalburnie Zephyr Ginghams Indian Head Cloth"